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Muck is doomed?

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Am I really going to have to massacre these guys? Including my only source for knowledge potions? I've been playing on their side for the entire Azure Gallery, giving them the cache, killing the giant queen, and killing Mordo the eyebeast. Now, it seems that in order to pass the vahnatai lands, I'll have to "expel" them. Apparently, the only possible way to do so now is to kill them all. I thought I could work around this by telling Landsman that the pylon was active and that the giant queen was dead...but the mayor adamantly refuses to leave, even with him gone. I guess I'll kill them all, if necessary, but it feels like I shouldn't have to. What's the scoop?

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You don't have to kill them. This means giving up a nice magic item that the Vahnatai reward you with for expelling Muck.


There are two ways out. There is a Vahanatai that "tells" you of a way below Kherabass that after a lot of fighting gets you past the East Gate into the Dark River area. There is a secret passage back into lower Thalants along this way, but you will probably miss the lever with all the fighting.


The other is to kill the guards which makes Thalants hostile.


I did both smile .

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Naw, you don't have to kill Muck. There's an underground route out of the Vahnatai lands. It's not too hard to find, if you just explore around down there a lot.


Alternatively you can fight your way through the Vahnatai gate guards. This angers the Vahanatai, and it's a tough fight, but it's quicker than finding the tunnel, and it leaves Much alone.


Or, if you haven't yet met Morbo, you can find Morbo and get Morbo to deal with Muck for you. This would be a great opportunity for Morbo, but it would presumably mean Muck was doomed later. Not during the game, though, and not directly at your hands.

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Ah, excellent. Good to know there's a way out without having to butcher a largely innocent town. Now, a question for future replays: is the magic item that I've denied myself access to better than the Spear of the Fen and the AWESOME gazerskin sandals that I received for defeating the monstrous threats to Muck?

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I thought it was better than the Spear of the Fens, but not as good as Gazerskin sandals. Powergaming gets you plenty of rewards.


On another playthrough, just wait on killing the Giant Queen until after visiting Thalants. There will still be giant attacks on Muck, but they shouldn't affect your going back for more knowledge brews. Then you can get the Spear.


If you wait with killing Morbo because you make a deal with him, he is gone on your return. At least that's what happened to me.

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