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Malachite's First Test: Stealth


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At the very north end of the map just west of the stone boundary is an opening just big enough for one person.


Once you find it you can follow along the outer wall. I messed up a bunch and had to revert to my quicksaves a lot, but if you're careful you can do it. To get back I ducked along the way I came, along the outer wall back to the stone opening.

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Save often and have several saves besides quicksave in case you make a mistake so you don't have to do it all over.


Going into buildings helps you to avoid being seen, especially ones where you can close a door. Sometimes for the return trip I use fight mode and haste to jump between buildings to keep out of the patrol's search radius. It's mostly just trial and error to find spots where you can sit and wait for a patrol to move on so the way is clear.

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  • 3 months later...

Did this quest... found the three pylon, walked to each of them in the right order (north-west, center, south-east) but when I returned to the tower after quite a few reload and all... Malachite didnt tell me that I had completed the quest. Are you suppose to have any message when you touch a pylon? How do you touch them? I'm kinda puzzled here.

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Originally written by vanedor:
Did this quest... found the three pylon, walked to each of them in the right order (north-west, center, south-east) but when I returned to the tower after quite a few reload and all... Malachite didnt tell me that I had completed the quest. Are you suppose to have any message when you touch a pylon? How do you touch them? I'm kinda puzzled here.
You just walk near them to touch them. If you're not getting a message, check your quests list. Also, if you get the message that a sentinel sees you, you have to start over.
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