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Geneforge 1 moding?

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I notice that in G1 all you really have to do is defeat/join/ignore the human invaders and leave, while you can join a servile sect you can't really do anything to help them other then a few pre-set things like kill a rouge infestation or defeat the Rouge Mind in the spiral cave for the awakened etc.


why not make a geneforge mod?


ok, I'm new and full of ideas I look at a game and think "what can I do to make this better?" so feel free to stomp.


Why not have a few extra things to do. like become a REAL awakened and try to improve the island as a whole, or be a taker and band them togeater to obliterate the other two sects etc.


Want to hear more? Or am I just a fool to think these things?


be aware, I don't go in for half-mesures, you take me on on this and you'd better be prepared to go all the way.

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The idea sounds intriguing. Unfortunately, the game isn't as easily modifiable as it might seem. You can add quests by changing existing dialogue and area scripts. (This is how character editors work.) However, as far as I know, you can't add anything to the map, or integrate completely new scripts.


Adding a few quests might be a fun challenge, but don't try anything too ambitious until you get a good idea of what you can and can't modify.

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ho ho ho, not even my spell checker will sort that one out.


All I really need is better responces.




You clear out the runied school and the bandit infestation, what happens? you get a few pence...nothing else, no one talks differantly, no one moves anywere, no one moves into the school, you go back inside it a game year later...nothings changed.




you clear the pentil farmlands....a few serviles escape and a new guy appears, no one attemps to re-claim them, not even the bad creations (I'm not falling for that again K)


see what I mean?


I want action and reation, you kill the awakened leader and the rest of the awakened go hostile, and leader kobold gets promoted, you kill him on behalf of the Obeyers and they try to invade the awakened villages, you kill the taker leader and the Awakened and Obeyers try to take-over etc.


Come on! we can do this at least!

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BoG may happen when Jeff is done with the GF series, but that won't be for a while yet. 'Til then, it's pretty easy to insert GF graphics into BoA; someone has basically already done all the conversions.


Of course, you'd have to go pretty all-out on special spells in order to simulate GF spells, and you'd have to go pretty nuts with flags in order to simulate Leadership, but it wouldn't be all that hard.

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