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GeneForge 3 Final Mission


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I'm going nuts and would appreciate any help anyone cares to offer.


This is GeneForge 3 on Windows. I played the Guardian character and for most of the game I tried to balance between the loyalists and the rebels but finally ended up supporting the Shapers.


I killed off the drakon, drained the GeneForge pool, and destroyed the GeneForge.


I returned to Lord Rahul who congratulated me, told me I had one final mission to perform, and to return to him when I was ready for that final mission.


So, I island hopped for a while cleaning up a few loose ends and finally returned to Lord Rahul for my "final mission".


What Lord Rahul told me is below.


I can't figure our which "fort to the west" and which "dock" he is referring to.


I left Dhonal Keep and went to the Dhonal West Docks but there wasn't any ship. Just the boat I use between islands.


I've checked every dock I could remember in the game and didn't find any ship.


Help, please.


Thanks in advance.


- A very sleep deprived Pete


Lord Rahul stated (typos are mine):


"You must return to Terrestia. You must find what Shaper forces you can, report what has happened to us on the Ashen Isles, and learn what fate the mainland has suffered.


We have suffered much and fought hard here, but I fear that it is only beginning. The first skirmish in a long war. I am aging. Soon, I feel, I may be allowed to rest. But you are young. You are cursed with a long life in these troubled times.


But we are Shapers. We have the tasks we are given, and we complete them. it is our power, our burden, and our responsibility.


Leave our fort to the west and go to the docks. A ship has only just arrived, with dire news from the mainland. Soon, it will return. Go there, tell our tale, and learn what is happening to the rest of our people.


I, and all the loyal people of the Ashen Isles, thank you and wish you good fortune."

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I've rechecked the S/SW Dhonal West Docks area and there is definitely no ship. The inter-island boat is tied up at the northern dock and the southern dock is empty. I walked the entire coastline from SW to SE and didn't see any ship.


Regarding the "And now?" posting, they asked the question: Does the Monastery of Tears have to be completed before the ship shows up?


I bypassed the Monastery of Tears because I was getting slaughtered but I was still assigned the Mainland quest by Lord Rahul.


So, I am *assuming* the ship should be there since I got the quest.


Yes? No?


Thank you again.


- Pete

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