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TJC Shaper is stuck on sucia island

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You could check this http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/game/936894.html

As for money, defeat creatures and sell stuff you don't need.


Edit -fixed typos


Edit2 -Also, it would help if I knew what part of the game you are in, what areas you have cleared, what sect you have joined (if any), etc.

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Have you gone east of Kazg and visted the Sholai refugees and the dock zones south of them? Then gone north up into the mine zones? Stay away from the Guarded Docks for now, you'll come to that later.


You might want to put some more points into mechanics to be able to pass more traps and open more doors. And another point or two into blessing magic so you can cast the most powerful spells on your army of creations. (If you don't have an army of creations, you need to make one. I think vlish, glaaks, and drayks are useful. It's been too long since I played last.)


Finally, check your difficulty level. If you're playing on torment or tough, there's no shame in lowering it a notch if you are well and truly stuck. Even if you're on normal, you can make it easier.


Dikiyoba needs no money cheat.

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im an obeyer(loyal shaper)

i havent gone to the rebels yet.

im in sealed lab right now.

i can make drayk glaak and battle alpha.

i can sell specter gear cause i can kill ghosts for the gear and thahds in the tombs for coins.

i went to the tombs and let the light g box mines go boom and kill the spawned thahds

i get a ring or 20 coins and they rareley drop thahd skin.

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You know, if you don't play the game somewhat in the order it was intended, it's no suprise you are stuck. (Both the mines and the arena seem written to be entered from the east instead of the west, for instance.) Go to the southeast part of the island and explore those zones. Seriously.


Dikiyoba would put in something about not killing respawning creations, but you seem to really enjoy it, so go right ahead.

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The only thing you can do to be safe is backing up all your saved games and any data files the editor replaces. (Before you copy the editors into specified locations, make sure you make a backup folder and copy into it all SaveGame folders and any files that have same names as editor files.)

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If you are going to use an editor that's a separate application, you can do as you suggest. (Just using a separate save slot.) In fact, you should always use several save slots because sometimes one of them breaks for no reason.


However, most editors require you to mess around with files on your computer. If you aren't familiar with moving and copying files and folders/directories/whatever-Apple-calls-them on your computer, you probably shouldn't use these script editors.

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