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fort wilton

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Many questions on this area for it seems to be a place where a lot of decisions have to be made.


1. I read the G3 hintbook and it said that there are many items of note - so far I found only the shaped blade. Where are the other items? (shaped guantlet, steel shield, steel breastplate)


2. how do I get the serviles in the wood quest? is it pro-rebel quest? I am now pro shaper although gave a few pro rebel opinions.


3 and if anyone is doing quest for koama in bulwark inn would give more details on it, I would greatly appreciate.


thanks for answers

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Originally written by Dragongirl:
3 and if anyone is doing quest for koama in bulwark inn would give more details on it, I would greatly appreciate.
Spoilers ahead...

So in the inn, if you help Koama he unlocks a room for you (if I remember right...it's been a while since I did that).

Later, he appears at the Gull north docks, and asks for another quest item (a journal), and gives a necklace as a reward (+10% acid/poison resistance for you and your creations). Not as good as the reward you get for giving the journal to the alchemist in stonespire: healing craft, minor heal, and heal improvements.

Finally, he appears again on the Isle of Spears, at the southern gates I believe. He's gone mad with power gained from the items you've given him; he blames you for it and attacks you. I'm pretty sure he dropped something, but now I can't remember...might have been a shaper's boon. Whatever it was it was useless for my agent so I forgot lol.
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if you decided to give the papers to the shapers, you can still just break into the place and swipe everything you can get your hands on. there is a trapped chest in komoa's room, but i think about a 10 mechanics got me past it... not sure though. but the game will let you know anyways...


[edit] oh... and i just found out... you're on target to find out where the steel breastplate is =P you'll get it soon enough. [/edit]

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