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Skill Points

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Hi by the only italian in the forum! I need help again laugh

In the storyline I have spoken with Lord Rahul yesterday and I arrived to the level 20. Now I have 20 skill points to use... what I can buy??? confused

I cannot decide: I have 4 to all the main attribute, 8 to meele. 9 to parry and quick action, only 1 to battle magic and 0 to the rest, 6 to healing craft, 2 to Shaping Skill and I am a Guardian. I seldom use Magic because I concentrate all my essence in my creature (a Vlish) (I'm going to change the Vlish with a Drakon)


All the statistic are without equipment (I can remember my Puresteel Plate, my Guardian Claymore and my Agent Cloak eek )

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If you are a guardian, buy str, edu and melee.

I remember my guardian had not spent a single skill point in shaping and only 5 points in blessing magic to cast speed. (You can buy the first 2 levels with money)

No points in dex or int.

No points in missle weapon.

With equipments, he ultimately had a str, edu, melee, quick action and parry all near 20.

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1) vlish are quite good, actually, for their cost.

2) a gazer is still better, if you can.


IMO, vlish are probably the best creation for their level... potentially 3 kinds of damage (although one rarely kicks in for me, since 7 vlish hitting the target seldom leave it alive long enough for poison to do anything noteworthy), and even their melee attack is ok, if not great. and the resistances... man, those are sweet. i have cleared many a minefield by sending a vlish through it and laughing as it takes 4 damage per mine.


but i can certainly see how you might eventually want something better than a vlish... just, IMO, it's better to stick with one type of creation and max that out.

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Vlish is no where as good as a drayk. It doesn't do three types of damage. Its ranged attack only does magical damage. Since a guardian nornally has little skill points and equipments to boost your creations, a vlish will have difficulty even to hit its opponents. But if I were you, my guardian would use no creation at all.

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Originally by Hume:


[A] Vlish is no where as good as a drayk. It doesn't do three types of damage. Vlish is no where as good as a drayk. It doesn't do three types of damage. Its ranged attack only does magical damage. Since a guardian nornally has little skill points and equipments to boost your creations, a vlish will have difficulty even to hit its opponents. But if I were you, my guardian would use no creation at all.
I think Jaid was refering to the slow attack of a regular vlish, the terror attack of terror vlish, and poison damage from the melee attack. Jaid does have seven vlish and seven creations of any type can probably do serious damage. Well, maybe not fyoras or thahds.


I personally find that vlish are excellent back-up creations. If I have trouble tackling a specific fight, two or three vlish hanging back to slow/terrify enemies while my guardian is up front and absorbing damage is very useful. Since they are only temporary, all that is needed is a bare minimum of essence for blessings and healing. The vlish can be reabsorbed right after the fight. Or, since they take experience from you, I attack them and get experience for killing them.



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actually, the three types of damage would be:


1) magic/energy damage (ranged attack)

2) physical damage (melee attack)

3) poison damage (secondary effect, melee attack).


so actually, yes, vlish do 3 types of damage. the fact they have a ranged attack doesn't somehow make them unable to make melee attacks you know, and their melee attack may not be amazing, but it certainly is decent. at the end of the game, having started off with several vlish, my vlish were doing over 50 damage each, which may not be much, but keep in mind i had only put the base amount essence +2 intelligence into them. if you keep them around, they level up reasonably well and can get pretty good.


of course, since i had 7 vlish, and was a shaper, i admit i used items that boosted my creations, but the resistances are still dang nice.


as far as drayks, i never said drayks were not better. i merely pointed out that vlish are quite good, and suggested he aim for gazer (since if he already has vlish, magic shaping is likely his focus).


anyways, the slow effect is also nice, but as i said, seldom comes into play for me.

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Vlish is of course reasonably good for a shaper focusing magic shaping. But for a guardian, especially at torment difficulity level, is somehow useless.

The slow attack is useful only against very tough opponents. It works the second round so if your vilishes act faster than an enemy and hit it, it can still attack this round. You'd like simply to kill it instead. But for tough monsters, if they act faster, they will be unable their next turn if slowed.

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