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The diferent factions *POSSIBLE SPOILERS*

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There are only two factions, which are the Rebels and the Shapers.


The Shapers want to keep their laws enforced while keeping their creations under control, and prevent the world from gaining access to their secrets. Since you are a very gifted young apprentice they want you to help them bring down the rebels, which would prevent the Shapers from falling from power.


The rebel humans feel mistreated and neglected by the Shapers, and simply want assistance with the rouge creations. The rouge creations say that they have a right to freedom, as they are sentient beings, You being an apprentice may still be open-minded enough to change your beliefs, And may be able to help them carry out their plans.


Try it both ways, as both perspectives are interesting.

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You all are missing the point.

Have you examined carefully the lady that meets you outside of the school? Read the description, take a look what creations she has with her. The G3 concept is drastically different from previous games in the series. No longer it is shapers justice vs servile justice, it is whether you protect the system you hold a rather humble place in or break it in hopes to gain some power in the new world. Cmon, you don't really believe these slogans about justice and freedom? They are just slogans, propaganda to attract the ignorant masses. The rebels tend to treat everybody just like Shapers, or worse.

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Originally written by YamiNoRyuu:
Well, thanks for the info. By the way, is there anyway to get the canisters in the rebel encampment on Harmony Isle without completing their quests or using living tools?
If you play somewhat on the fence (or as a rebel), you have the opportunity to buy 2 of them. But the others require helping the rebels with the rogues, and helping them w/ Diwaniya by getting the canister OR using a ton of your living tools.
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Originally written by Ald:
You all are missing the point.
Have you examined carefully the lady that meets you outside of the school? Read the description, take a look what creations she has with her. The G3 concept is drastically different from previous games in the series. No longer it is shapers justice vs servile justice, it is whether you protect the system you hold a rather humble place in or break it in hopes to gain some power in the new world. Cmon, you don't really believe these slogans about justice and freedom? They are just slogans, propaganda to attract the ignorant masses. The rebels tend to treat everybody just like Shapers, or worse.
I purposely left a vague description of the factions and their general goals. I would rather he go through the dialogue and the story and figure out what is really happening on his own. I know there is more complexity too the story than I said, but why say everything when giving a general statement.

Also, I beg too differ on the statement of this being any different from the other two Geneforge plots. There may be variations in setting, characters, side stories, and things of that nature, but the basic concept itself is almost exactly the same for all three.
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Originally written by YamiNoRyuu:
Well, thanks for the info. By the way, is there anyway to get the canisters in the rebel encampment on Harmony Isle without completing their quests or using living tools?
If your mechanics is high enough you can open the doors with fewer living tools. Living tools are very common later in the game, and breaking and entering is the only way to get the canisters as a loyalist.
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What opportunities are when you can buy them? And for how much? Also, if i got the canister for Diwanya, would it make the loyalists hostile or not let me join? P.S. I have never joined the loyalists in any of the previous games so i must ask, do i have to talk to somebody and actually join or what?

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If you give the canister away the Shaper in San Ru will be hostile. You can buy two canisters for 500 eatch.

there is no "joining" the loyalists, you just have to complete loyalist goals through the game and you will get the loyalist ending. As long as you remain loyal you will get aid from other loyalists.

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Originally written by Azul:
Originally written by Ald:
You all are missing the point.
Have you examined carefully the lady that meets you outside of the school? Read the description, take a look what creations she has with her. The G3 concept is drastically different from previous games in the series. No longer it is shapers justice vs servile justice, it is whether you protect the system you hold a rather humble place in or break it in hopes to gain some power in the new world. Cmon, you don't really believe these slogans about justice and freedom? They are just slogans, propaganda to attract the ignorant masses. The rebels tend to treat everybody just like Shapers, or worse.
I purposely left a vague description of the factions and their general goals. I would rather he go through the dialogue and the story and figure out what is really happening on his own. I know there is more complexity too the story than I said, but why say everything when giving a general statement.

Also, I beg too differ on the statement of this being any different from the other two Geneforge plots. There may be variations in setting, characters, side stories, and things of that nature, but the basic concept itself is almost exactly the same for all three.
Actually, I agree w/ Ald in that this game is different. The other two games are about serviles and how you will treat them. They are both order vs. liberty: the order imposed by the shapers that hurts serviles and creations vs. the total liberty of a servile run society.

In G3, the whole moral question is almost moot and serviles seem to disappear from the main ideas presented in the story. This game is all about power: helping the people in power maintain the status quo or grasping for more and more personal power. There is no longer a freedom loving side, there is no longer a side that you can say: "They are obviously right" (like the Awakened, or some would say takers in the other games).

That is why I think that the factions and choices are better designed in this game: there is no clear moral leader; there is a lot more gray area because the "idealism" of the last games is gone.
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