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Holding shed row

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Does it make any different in opinion point where one tells the refugees to go? I just chose one at random and when I came back to the area, they are gone!


I am doing pro shaper although I plan to do Koama's quest (she gives more exp) - hopefully, it won't mess things up.


It would be nice if someone could come up with the point award system of opinions.

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If you've been consistently pro-shaper, one point isn't going to make any difference. Even if you have been sitting on the fence, there are plenty of places in the game where you can give your opinion. And if all else fails, there is always iloveserviles/ihateserviles. (The cheatcodes for pro-rebel/pro-shaper reputation.)

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also, there are probably some things you haven't done that should shift things quite a bit...


for example, if you go back to harmony isle and kill the rebels, i would imagine that would do some serious pro-shaper shifting of opinions (and if not, it definitely should...)


there should be other things as well. but, yeah... there are a lot of opportunities to change people's opinions.

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the walkthrough i have seen says to send them back to fort wilton i think.


chances are the servile is loyal. the only way you will ever know is to either get an extremely high leadership score (ie, if you have 30 leadership and he still seems loyal when you talk to him, then he's either loyal or there isn't a way to detect it). but anyways, the higher your leadership, the better your ability to detect irregularities when you talk to people and such.


i don't know of anywhere that says he is a rebel, but that hardly means he isn't.

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I am sending the ones in Holding Shed Row to their master randomly.

I have been a purist until now but read the ending of pro shaper altered and think it might not be so bad after all.


I guess I will try a few more areas and see what I decide to do. I wish the limit could change to 9 instead of 6. I have no problem with no shaping since I am an agent but hate to miss those QA, parry, or other tempting stats an agent probably needs.

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yes, i know. but if you wanted to be absolutely certain you were getting everything out of someone that you can, then with 30 leadership you would be able to know, 100%, that you are not missing anything (since they obviously aren't going to put in anything that can't ever be used... i don't think Jeff has time to waste on stuff that will literally never get used by anyone)

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Actually, there are some hidden things in all of Jeff's games. (Bits of text you can never find inside the game, inaccessible rooms, etc.)


And conversation options are also determined by your faction affiliation and what other NPCs you've talked to.


So the only way to be 100% certain is to read the dialogue script files directly.

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