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Genforge 1 Factions


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When you join a faction, and you should, it will effect the rest of the game, influence your endgame decision, and give you an ending based on the decisions you made. If you want to see all the different endings, you will have to play though a few times. So, make whatever decisions you feel comfortable with, you're gonna have to do it again if you want to see everything anyway.


Edit: No decision you make should prevent you from being able to win. You could go through a game killing everything and still win. Unlike Neverwinter Nights, which I'm playing right now... stupid city... I only killed a few innocent people...

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Originally written by Nocturne:
I wondered if it would be possible to learn what the rewards for joining each of the three factions in Geneforge 1 are, and if joining any specific faction is preferable over joining the others.

IE, will joining the Takers, for instance, affect the story of the game adversely?
Each group will give you keys to certain restricted areas that contain good items and/or info. I just use some living tools to get there, since there's no negative consequences.

If you join a group, you gain the right to get any training or information that group has to offer, and that group's merchants will sell you stuff cheaper. It also determines who your friends and enemies are, what side quests you're given, and what ending you get when you leave the island.

Personally, I don't bother joining any group; it restricts my gameplay too much.
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You don't have to worry much if you don't want to. Faction choice mainly just affects what happens to the different factions after the game ends. What happens to you personally depends more on choices you make quite late in the game.


If you care about the factions and their stories, and want good or bad things to happen to various ones in the end, then choose and fight accordingly. If you don't, you can disregard them, or ruthlessly exploit them, and that in itself won't necessarily lose you anything you care about.

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