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better walkthru with prose and what I did

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area ;Crumbling Docks


After crawling ashore I got used to my new surroundings.

Three jars were nearby, hopefully containing some useful information

but alas, they were empty.

After a few minutes wandering along the shore a building appears.

Inside a tunic and basket are immediately visible.

I wear the tunic but the basket doesn't seem useful.

The S room has 3 cabinets.

Inside I find bones, javelins, a bowl, and a spoon.

It is interesting to note that soon I will be like the bones.

A scary thought.

I decide that the javelins would be a good weapon.

When hungry the bowl and spoon could be good, but not now.

As I walk past the W door it opens automatically.

I find a shaper canister, my first one.

It is unrecognizable in this form but similar to home ones.

Often Shapers use these to help increase the shaper powers

As I break the jar open and the living goo engulfs my hands nothing

seems to have changed.(firebolt=0->1)

Maybe I am not powerful enough to use them.

The W room has a cloak on the ground.

It wasn't even put away properly; I wear it.

A few(12) coins are on the table.

They could be useful.

A cabinet here has nothing but a brass key.{ruined docks key}

It could be useful.

The building seems to have nothing more a value so I leave an

continue along the shore.

I enter a small passage in the wall and notice that I can create

a small flame from my fingers and even shoot it across the air.

Maybe the canister helped my magic but took a while to take effect.

I get to a clearing with 2 more passages surrounded by large walls.

Two jars are present.

One only has rocks but the other has a pod filled with an odd liquid.

I realize it is a healing pod. I can drink it to heal my if damaged.

I quickly go to the E passage.

There is nothing but bushes and trees except for a few thorns on

the ground.

They are baton thorns.

Good weapons, if I had a baton to launch them with.

The larger area from the clearing has a small room and a closed door.

I can't find a way to open it but sometimes levers are around to


The room does have such a lever!

It look locked but the brass key {ruined docks key} works.

A table has a dagger on it.

Right now though the javelins seem more helpful

I look inside the cabinet.

Another tunic and a wooden shield are there.

I can equip the shield but the tunic goes into my pack.

On the other side or the big door is another room.

Beds and a table are present but I like the 2 cabinets.

More useless tunics and dagger are inside but the 6 javelins are


After I exit the room I meander around the walls of the ruins until a

empty jar is in sight, as well as a fork.

The right(he is backwards so E direction) has several broken jars and

one the isn't containing an h-pod.

More meandering leads me to a larger building and a hidden passage

behind it.

I avoid the small way and enter the big building.

It is an inn.

Why would an inn be on a barred island.

Well I am here so I give a look-see.

The tables have more bowls and spoons while the ground has a cooking


There is nothing here so I go to the bedrooms.

The big one to the NW has a nice cabinet with a wearable robe and

belt inside.

They could help protect me from danger here.

Unfortunately I can't wear both the cloak and robe.

I will therefore take off the cloak since the robe offers

better protection.

The first smaller room has nothing but a lever.

It seems to control a farther back room, perhaps a storeroom.

The storeroom has only 2 jars with 2*h-pods inside, useful.

The rest of the inn has a smaller pantry with nothing good inside.

As I exit the inn I enter a vary large open area

and my first creation here.

Several(10) ornks are around me.

[They are just like a combination of cows and pigs.]

If this island was abandoned along time ago the how could these be


They don't live that long.

I could kill them and get there meat but I try not to kill things if

I don't need to.

I search the are to find any help.

I only see a building to the NE of the area.

The foyer has nothing but the outer room has a cabinet with coins(35)

and a set of 6*1 thorns inside.

I also find a lever which, with my newly trained mechanic ability is

easy to open.

The inner room has 4*i-crystals and 2*6 more thorns on the ground.

Who left them here.

You would expect them to be in the cabinet which has only trash.

Well icy-crystals can be used no matter where they are found.

Plus the tack less time to throw than other weapons like my

javelins or dagger.

After a bit more looking in the large area I find a lone jar to the W.

A gem!

It can be sold for a bit, if there were anyone to buy it.

There seems to be nothing else nearby so I go beyond the ornks

and beyond the walls.

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