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Mac and Windows Versions Just Patched


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Just uploaded patches for the new versions of both Mac and Windows Blades of Avernum. They fix a lot of the problems described in the big document I was sent. Feedback is welcome at spidweb@spiderwebsoftware.com.


Also, I corrected the download link for the Windows editor. That stupid mistake reminded me why I shouldn't do anything just before a vacation.


- Jeff Vogel

Spiderweb Software


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Version 1.1.1 -
* Forcecaged creatures can no longer move around in town mode.
* Some creatures had the wrong number of hit points on different difficulty levels. This is fixed.
* Several small fixes in the commands scenario designers can use.
* Scrolling through your inventory in the item info screen now works properly.
* Friendly creatures now properly regain health.
Looks like the fixes to calls were all hidden in that "small fixes" point. It wouldn't look good to list all the buggy calls individually, I guess.
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