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Originally written by Niemand:
I get the feeling that there is none, but does anyone know of a way to set the year in which the scenario occurs?
I'm not sure if it will work, but putting a call that changes the day to "Day 366" or whatever will probably put it forward a year.

The only problem is, I'm not sure how many days are in an Avernic Year...

- Archmagus Micael
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There are 280 days in a year according to the docs. The trouble is that I want the scenario set in, say, year 849, but the current years that I have found in my save files seem to be random numbers including 855, 867, and 875.


I could force the scenario to not show dates with force_start_day(-1) the docs say, but I'd prefer to just display the correct year.

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The year increments with each scenario you play, starting at 855. There is no set_year call, although it has been requested. So there's no way to get the year counter to display "849" when the player starts your scenario.


EDIT: Unless you use a pre-made party and do something that may be described, er, elsewhere.

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