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Personality problems

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I have two problems that I suspect may be related. Firstly, characters' names are not coming up in dialogue as they should. For instance, if I use a wizard character and give him the following dialogue script:


begintalknode 1;

state = -1;

personality = 100;

nextstate = 1;

question = Merlin";

text1 = "Hi there.";


Then when I speak with him, the name "Wizard" is still displayed at the top of the dialogue box. However, I can still give charadcters proper names by defining them in the town script.


My second problem has to do with action = INTRO. It works just fine when talking with the first character in my scenario, but after that, when I try to speak with a character with a completely different personality who also uses action = INTRO, I get text5. The game clearly thinks I've spoken to them before. I know both of them have distinct personalities. What could I be overlooking?

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you have to name your characters in the town scripts init_state like this:




6 is the creature number in the upper left in the editor.

the name in the dialogue script is not for naming the character, i think just for you to remember whose dialogue this is.


don't know anything about the action = INTRO, cause i didn't have used this by now. sorry.

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To bigblue: I have been using this method of naming, and it's been working fine. But the manual had led me to believe that the naming in the dialogue script would work, also. If you don't believe it does, then maybe nothing is wrong on this front. There still may be something wrong with my use of action = INTRO, though.


To Garrison: I just typed this in to the window just now, so that's not the problem in my actual code. I still feel silly, though.


To The Creator: Mad props for catching the reference. I'm sure help is available; they tell me Jeeves isn't the only thinker in the Wooster home!

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You have given personalities to the actual people, right?


This next thing is about the states in dialogue, and it is hard to explain in words, and you probably already know this, but I'll endeavor to go ahead anyway.


The scope (where it will have affect) of a 'state' is the entire dialogue script, not its personality. Assume that you don't have any entities that share dialogue nodes. Ent1 has been given states 1-10 for his dialogue. Ent2 will have to continue from state 11 for its dialogue, otherwise the options present in the states from Ent1 will appear in Ent2's dialogue.

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Right. I'm aware that if two people share the same dialogue node, then the game can't tell them apart.


When you say, have I given personalities to the actual people, what does that entail except for the personality = 100 line I have above, and then giving them names in the town script using set_name(1,"Merlin") ? (Assuming, of course, that Merlin was Creature #1)

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AFAIK, there is only one way to pass a personality to the game, and that is in the Creature dialog box whilst editing towns. The "personality" string in dialogue scripts is just there to let us keep track of who the node is for. In fact, it's usless, if you do all the dialogu or one character at a time.

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The personality thing is only useful for the action INTRO. I believe that the idea is that when you talk to a character for the first time, its personality switch is set. When a dialogue node with a corresponding personality the action INTRO in it, the action is performed.


How about you post what you have?

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