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Outdoor shop.

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My code:

beginstate 18;	reset_dialog(); // Dialog box here	add_dialog_str(0,"Description.",0);	add_dialog_str(1,"Knock?",0);	add_dialog_choice(0,"Knock.");	add_dialog_choice(1,"Leave.");	run_dialog(1); 	if (choice == 1) // Conditions{	begin_shop_mode("Name","Description.",4,3,-1); // Shop No 4, } //moderate buy, no sell	if (choice == 2){	end();} break; // End
Now, why doesn't it work like it's supposed to? There is no response from the game, no matter if I choose option one or two. Just as if I put end(); in both choices. It's clearly supposed to be a shop.


Anyone has a clue?

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Originally written by Shining Lightbulb:
Also, a question. Why are you putting the { bracket on a new line? You don't need to and it looks weird.
It may look weird to you, but I have issues about condition statements in programming -- if I don't put them there I end up confused as to where the statement ends and where the next begins. I guess it's a personal thing.
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