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buffer? Someone explain this to me...

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I downloaded the "Nine Variations on Point B", "High Level Party builder", and a couple of other scenarios(straight from Kelandons webpage), and my Blades of Avernum diodn't play them, saying that the call "clear_buffer" doesnt exist. I went into the scripts, and tried to figure it out. I've never heard of, or seen these scripts = "clear_buffer", "append_string", "append_number", etc.


So, whats going on? Is a new patch available? Where? i haven't seen anything on Spidweb...


Or is there something wrong with my game? Hardly.


I want to know why those calls don't work on my game, and also how to use them. They seem pretty neat...

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If you read the readmes that came with those scenarios, you'll notice something like the following passage:


This scenario will work only with a BoA app that runs Scenario Format Version 2 (Mac v1.1, Windows v1.0, or better).
So yes, you need to download the latest version of BoA. Find the patches on this page .
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