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Display partie's location


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Windows BoA doesn't have the menu to indicate the location where the party stands on.


How about making a pattern on the floor changing floor type? It'll help to count the coordinate mesh. For example, change floor type every five line or dot.




Another approach is making a custom item which indicates coordinate on the text area.


 'your_scenario_name'data.txtbeginscendatascript;begindefineitem 450;   clear;   it_name = "Compass";   it_full_name = "GPS Compass";   it_variety = 21;   it_floor_which_sheet = 1027;	// from hour glass   it_floor_which_icon = 1;   it_inventory_icon = 1;   it_ability_1 = 207;   it_ability_str_1 = 10;	// state number to be called   it_value = 10;   it_weight = 1;   it_identified = 1;'your_scenario_name'.txtbeginscenarioscript;variables;string cood_string;body;....beginstate 10;	// should be matched the state number defined in custom item   clear_buffer();   append_string("(");   append_number(char_loc_x(who_used_custom_item()));   append_string(", ");   append_number(char_loc_y(who_used_custom_item()));   append_string(")");   get_buffer_text(cood_string);   print_str(cood_string);   break;
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I like the special ability idea. This will be implemented for the next version of Bahs. The main code is here:


 beginstate 18;	change_custom_abil_uses(who_used_custom_abil(),2,1);		i = 0;	while (i <= 5) {		if (char_ok(i)) {			clear_buffer();			append_string("Character number ");			append_number(i);			append_string(" is located at (");			append_number(char_loc_x(i));			append_string(",");			append_number(char_loc_y(i));			append_string(")");			get_buffer_text(dlgstr);			print_str(dlgstr);			}		i = i + 1;		}break; 
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I find it vaguely amusing that special abilities are being used mostly for preferences and other user interface improvements instead of scenario-related features. Not that it isn't usually a more productive use of them than the intended use, but still.

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Personally, I've seen special abilities used twice. Once in practice, once in theory.


In practice, Kel provided a special ability when Phaedra is in your party to identify items.


In theory, Kel is providing a special ability for an "interface improvement" later.


50% may be a lot, but the sample size is so small that I wonder why you're using the word "mostly"

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Canopy and Bahssikava also have Set Cutscene Speed abilities.


And Phaedra Identify is an interface improvement too, in a sense -- it's a workaround for the fact that you can't initiate dialogue with your NPCs.


The only custom special ability that really does something scenario-specific is the Unicorn Call in ZKR.

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Why isn't it a good reason?

Anyway, floor pattern or locator item/ability will provide a good assistance on alignment, even if you would solve the puzzle without FAQ or a walkthrough. Even on Mac that has the locator menu.

Player can choose (s)he uses it or not.

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