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Need someone with a Mac

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As of now, I am the only developer who's working on the 3D Editor/Remake, but unfortunately I am a PC-user, which means I cannot create Mac binaries. So I need someone who can to build the sourcecode and give me back the zip/sit file, so I can load it up onto Sourceforge, or load it themselves, if they have the time and are able to. No coding would be involved, but coding experience is definately neccessary.


Can anyone help out?

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If you have Mac OS X 10.3 or greater you should have XCode (a C++ compiler) on your computer. If not you can download it at apple.com (though this will take a while). Either way, XCode is the compiler that the Mac 3D Editor's code was originally and is compiled on. Also XCode uses gcc, so you can use that as an alternative.


I PM'd my email address to you, so just email me if you need me to email the source code. (Don't download the SourceForge release of the code, use the code from the CVS Server).


Also, just so you know, as I don't have a Mac I don't know for sure if the bug fix will work, so make sure to check, although I'm pretty sure it'll fix it. (The bug I'm talking about is the bug mentioned in the Mac Editor Updated topic.)


Thanks again.

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