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The Random Number Node

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[NOTE: This was moved from the BoE Forum]


I was wondering if I might be able to get some advice reguarding the random number node.


I have an idea in mind that involves a portal that the party must go through, but each time it sends them to a randomly selected location. Now, what I need to know is this. Is it possible to rig it so that this will work? If so, how many different locations can I squeeze in? I plan on running my own tests, but I thought that I might ask first since this idea may have been tried before to some extent.


I'm also wondering, has anyone ever tried to give an item that the characters can take with them when they leave a scenario and then have a second scenerio that checks for that item during certain encounters? I am kicking around the idea of a short series of short adventures. However, it is my hope to prevent the party from beating a final boss or solving a final puzzle unless they have gone through all of the adventures. So, is this possible?

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Can't help you with the first one, but as for the second, unless you use some system of passwords (which a semi-determined player could easily find by looking at the scrips), you can't carry anything from scenario to scenario.


EDIT : Er, I meant that as from a designer's perspective. You can't identify normal items as being from your previous scenario, you can't keep SDFs with the party, and you can't keep special items.

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Scripts? Imby, this isn't the BoA forum. :p


Originally written by Bard of the Soul:

I have an idea in mind that involves a portal that the party must go through, but each time it sends them to a randomly selected location. Now, what I need to know is this. Is it possible to rig it so that this will work? If so, how many different locations can I squeeze in?

I did exactly this in Hunted!, a BoE scenario that you can find here . There's no password, so feel free to open it up and take a look at how I did it. Among other things that it does, the cave entrance in town 0 randomly takes the party to one of 16 different locations within the town; it could just as easily transport them between towns by using Stairway instead of Move Party.


The number of different locations you can randomly send the party to depends only on the number of special nodes you have available in that town, and on whether you're willing to go into scenario specials as well.

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I'll take a look thank you. One further question for clarification though. When doing this am I limited to using the specials in the town where the portal is, or it \\s it like a stairway where I\the special actualy is in the town you are going to?


Edit; Hmmm, now I feel obsent minded. I meant this for the BoE forum and didn't realize that I posted in the wrong place until now. Ah well.

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*checks forum header*


Wow. I was right by accident. :p


You'll have to use specials from the town in which the portal is, although you can use Call Scenario Special if you need extra nodes.


EDIT: Okay, I *thought* this was in the BoE forum at first and it looks like I was right. Why was this topic moved to the BoA Editor forum?

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