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It's a game


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I know this topic will die and go to topic heaven like all other topics but I just wanted to know:


Does any one besides me feel like the Editor is a game? I mean that in a "it's so much fun to use; look at all I can do; I'm a god with this thing, or maybe a lesser one," way.


I absoluty love that editor, I don't get have the things it's able to do and went I find out something new I feel on to of the world (kinda like when you just beat a boss on a game)


I haven't even played the sceniros that came in the game. I don't think I'll end up playing them anytime soon. I got the game and went strait to the editor where I've had more fun then I have playing any game ever (exept for Dig Dug).


Does it feel like a game to anyone else?


Spidweb this is the best game/editor thing I have ever used. My hat is off to you.


It makes me want to be a game programer it's so much fun.

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It feels like a game to me too. I got bored halfway through Za-Khazi Run, and I started making my own scenario. I haven't gone back to finish ZKR yet, and it's been at least a couple of weeks.


That might say more about ZKR than the Editor, though. :p


EDIT: In the meantime I played RoR, though, so I haven't given up on playing scenarios entirely.

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