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I find this call to be somehwat depressing. Now and then it works, but lately it fails to do anything. I'm talking about the following piece of script:


 	if (get_flag(6,1) == 0) {			if (get_flag(5,2) == 0) {					if (what_day_of_scenario() > 2) {							set_flag(5,2,1);							erase_char(7);							}					}			} 
Here, what_day_of_scenario refuses to work. Right now, my party is standing outside the town to which this script belongs. It is day 3, and character 7 is not erased, nor is the flag set to 1. I took the if call containing what_day_of_scenario() out, and it worked. Also, the flags 5,2 and 6,1 are 0 at the time that this chunk of code is run. So indeed: from my tests the what_day_of_scenario call is to blame. Would anybody know what's causing this?


EDIT: So in the end it did work, but only on day 4... How come?

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