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Avernum 1.. VERY frustrated...

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Well, here I was, addicted, thinking the game was brilliant... then I get up to the Scimitar quest 1... I search the gremlin cave, get the level 3 spell, kill all the soldiers.. find the rune, find the 2nd teleporter.. but WHERE IS THE ORB... I spent well over an hour searching everywhere... the ONE walkthrough at gamefaqs says something rididculously stupid like "oh, you just go in and destroy the orb"... it also suggests hitting the rune twice... just changes the teleporter location to the nw which has nothing... PLEASE HELP... This is the first quest to really be ridiculous so far...

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All I can remember is hitting the rune, saving, entering the portal, and reloading and repeating if the process didn't send me where I wanted to go. Keep searching for secret doors, too. (Is there more than one rune? I vaguely recall something along those lines, but I'm not sure.)


—Alorael, who can't give any more specific help.

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That depends on your frustration threshold for different types of puzzles and how much you insist on going everywhere and doing everything. The Remote Cavern in A3 is entirely optional and possibly the single greatest source of posts here, and the solution is practically handed to you in a cryptic fashion.


—Alorael, who is sure he can dig up a few of them with a bit of effort.

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I doubt I did. I'm a bit vague on how it all happened now. I just remember discovering this orb in a room, which was communicating with some empire mage or commander on the surface and he was surprised to see me (Pippin looks into the Palantir, anyone?)


The more logical choice was to destroy it, so I did. But I was curious, so I went back to a saved game and saw what would happen if I chose the other option. Are we talking about the same orb/sphere encounter here?


EDIT: I'm almost certain this was in the Scimitar Cave though, and later I was given the quest to destroy the orb I had already destroyed just for the heck of it.

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There are two such orbs in general, 1-in the ruined fort that Khoth tells you about. 2-in the strange cave. The one in the ruined fort is not the one the scimitar is searching for. The one you're looking for is in the strange cave.

Walk through killing gremlins as you go. When you come to a point to go either right or left, go right. Around the corner along the west wall you'll find a hidden teleporter, use it. Go into the building and kill the Empire soldiers. Before you enter the other room though, search along the northeastern for a hidden room. Touch the rune TWICE. Go through the fort and you'll eventually find the teleporter. When you enter it it'll take you to the cave with the orb. When you smash it, two demons appear so you might wanna prepare first if you're weak unlike me. Go down the corridor and where it bends, search the west wall for hidden entrance, and enter the teleporter. Enter the building and touch the rune Twice again, and take the teleporter and you'll back at the beginning. cool

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