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That would probably be the least complicated way of doing so, especially if, as it sounds you don't care about previous game/s.


I 'think' there's a way to do so in one of the game files, but you have to mess with the coding...which if you screw it up ... will  have you reinstalling the game again anyway.


I know with medals/awards you sometimes have to play again but making different choices to get them all.  That may be why you can't reset things (although resetting stats would be good -or have two screens, one for the current game and one for cumulative games).

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I had a look at settings.dat, it consists of just a few characters looking a lot like chinese characters. I guess I could delete it after uninstalling, but there may be another copy in the depth of my user directory.

I didn't delete the saves of my recent games, but copied them to another directory. As I love searching for caches it isn't very helpful if settings still show shovelmaster though my current team is only three quarters through the game.

It's my fifth combo, by the way, and I may just try a single char.

Thanks for your help, TriRodent  and Dry Peak, Soggy Bottom.

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