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A:EftP - Locked in the Crypt of Drath

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I'm locked in the second level of the Crypt of Drath.

I found the (http://homepages.uni-regensburg.de/~mim09509/Avernum/AvernumEscPit/Towns/Drath.html) that :

"In the NW corner of the Hall of Tombs is a ledge which I have never managed to get onto. South of the ledge is a passage leading to a corridor with a golem. Once past it you come into the Smoky Laboratory. In the south is a container which is rather hard to see but contains an Energy elixir. There is a tome in the NE corner which does nothing except slow you and call up a Mung Demon and three Vengeful Shades if you read it. They do however drop an Invulnerability Elixir. To the north are two magical barriers (the western one needs Dispel Barriers L2). Behind each of them is a chamber with a Rampaging Infernal. To the east of the eastern chamber is a lever which you should pull. ".

But the entrance to the smoky laboratory is stilll locked by a steel barrier ...

Do I missed something ... can't remember if I fought the Golem but while i'm the place no Golem appears ...


Any idea ?

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There are two ways to level 2.


If you dropped by the bridge to that level, then you need to go back to level 1 using the stairs in the NE corner.


If you bypassed the bridge using the secret passage to the east, fought you way past the undead, demons, and golems, then the way down puts you next to two levers. One opens the gate to the rest of the level and the other opens the NW gate.


Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. That is if any remains after your experience. :)

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There are two ways to level 2.


If you dropped by the bridge to that level, then you need to go back to level 1 using the stairs in the NE corner.


If you bypassed the bridge using the secret passage to the east, fought you way past the undead, demons, and golems, then the way down puts you next to two levers. One opens the gate to the rest of the level and the other opens the NW gate.


Welcome to Spiderweb Software. Please leave your sanity at the door. That is if any remains after your experience. :)


Thanks for you answer.


The fact is that I felt by the trapped bridge from level 1 to level 2.

I have no problem to go upstair from the level 2.

My problem is that I don't manage to enter in the smoky Laboratory (the room NW with the pentagram in the floor). There is a harrox locked down ...

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Okay, what Randomizer was saying is that you need to go back upstairs before you can get through that gate. Near the bridge, a little to the right of it, is a secret door switch. That will get you past the trap, to the gate that needs the stone key. Past that, you will eventually get to the lever that will open the gate to the lab.


If you don't have the stone key in your special items, you won't be able to proceed here. If that's the case, go ask Motrax about the First Expedition.

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Okay, what Randomizer was saying is that you need to go back upstairs before you can get through that gate. Near the bridge, a little to the right of it, is a secret door switch. That will get you past the trap, to the gate that needs the stone key. Past that, you will eventually get to the lever that will open the gate to the lab.


If you don't have the stone key in your special items, you won't be able to proceed here. If that's the case, go ask Motrax about the First Expedition.


Yes !! I managed ! Thanks a lot for your helps, you guys !

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