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Black Isle Returns?

Death Knight

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That link is to the new and revised black isle studio site, which is supposedly back.


Has anyone else heard anything about this?


I for one, dont know what to think. They are remaking baldurs gate series and others, what else would black isle do. Rebuild a team and start over?



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From the evidence on Twitter, the big names from Black Isle have no idea what's going on, and most of them are working for Obsidian or inXile now anyway.


—Alorael, who wouldn't be surprised if Interplay tried to revive Black Isle as a stunt. The studio is apparently in bad financial shape and they need any help they can get. How much the name means without any of the actual people is a very good question.

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Originally Posted By: Scandal Rat
From the evidence on Twitter, the big names from Black Isle have no idea what's going on, and most of them are working for Obsidian or inXile now anyway.

—Alorael, who wouldn't be surprised if Interplay tried to revive Black Isle as a stunt. The studio is apparently in bad financial shape and they need any help they can get. How much the name means without any of the actual people is a very good question.

That's what I was afraid of. frown

Hopefully, this will turn out to be a good thing.
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So after the initial frenzy of questions it's settled out that this studio has some mid-level design names from old Black Isle and can largely be considered a new studio. I'm all for someone trying to take up that old mantle and write games in that style. It's a style I love! I'll just reserve judgment until this new studio actually produces something worth playing.


—Alorael, who has this problem with Kickstarter. He's happy to toss money at companies with a history of making things he'd buy. Essentially, it's a really long-term preorder. Entirely new companies are usually more risk than he's willing to put up with. Most people making most things make garbage even with the best of intentions, and Sturgeon would predict a return of ten cents for every dollar.

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