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yet another strange things - Riposte


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it is strange thing as riposte check is done with succes my character takes damage but not normal one but increase about 30-50% of normal damage that he rececives ? is it normal ? does riposte realy work that way ? if so thats is not good ability since even if i do ripost attack i deal about 50% my normal damage but receives hard damage which as my SW has not to much HP , leads many times to death.

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to clarify : i was thinking about riposte that my hero do : the enemy attack my hero and do 150 % normal damage , my hero riposte and do about 50% normal damage . does riposte check is checked before parry and dexterity ? if so ,its kinda not cool (on Torment dif) .



edit: i know (problably) increased damage is coused becous i riposte only when its critical hit (which probably cant be missed by dex or parry )

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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
you can also riposte when you don't get hit.

Is this actually true? I'm fairly sure that the damage of your riposte is proportional to the damage you take from the attack you're riposting, so if you don't take damage, you can't riposte. That's how it worked in previous games, anyway.
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That's not how it worked in previous games. (Not sure about Avadon, actually, which had almost no riposte in it anyway.) In previous games, if riposte succeeded, you automatically parried the attack. This "we both take damage" possibility is a new one.


EDIT: Indeed it seems Riposte will ONLY activate when you take damage.


On the plus side, the riposte check definitely is after the parry and dodge checks. Nonetheless... what a crappy skill. Ugh.

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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
That's not how it worked in previous games. (Not sure about Avadon, actually, which had almost no riposte in it anyway.) In previous games, if riposte succeeded, you automatically parried the attack. This "we both take damage" possibility is a new one.

Yeah, I was thinking of Avadon in particular -- the damage you take from thorn-shield effects is definitely proportional to the damage you inflict, and it seems like riposte now works similarly. I don't think you automatically blocked a riposted attack in Blades of Avernum either, but I'm not sure if the riposte damage in that was proportional to damage inflicted or not.
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