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WTF - strange game mechanics with SW


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I play SW as main character its rather melee fighter but with lot of dex its strange how the game calculated everyting : i play on torment and i am about 13 level , play with sorcerss and shaman against 2 viciouts slamander. my SW has 56 armor about 45% to riposte, 15 dex, 15 %to parry so i thought it wont be hit to many times and almost all of vicious salamanders hit hits and what is even more strange every hit about 50 dmg , as i summon a salamander with my shaman it gets about 15-30 dmg from vicious salamander hits . its kinda sick and fun killing . futher more if the skill descritpions correct i have about 65 % chance to cast frenzy spell on me on being hit with meele and if fact about 1 of 10 hit gives me frenzy.


its strange game indeed O_o


how is chance to hit calculated ? what comes first ? dex check /riposte check / parry check ? (others check there were sth like evade? )

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im more interested in how enemys CHtH is calculated and damage , now im fighing with Nerrea she hit my summoned wolf (3 wolf skill +3 beast focus skill shaman) for about 25 dmg each hit.(usualy 2 hits in round) and she hit me (55 armor,40riposte , 15parry) for about 70-80 each hit , do i poses uberarmored wolf or does damage is counted in adition with person that is hit damage ?

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same thing applies on damage done on you as it does on damage done/trying to do on enemy.


http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=261196#Post261196 explains things bit and this http://www.spiderwebforums.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=254999#Post254999 explains too.

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Yeah I'm new too, and I have the exact same problem with Avadon. It's hard to build your party when their are hidden stats and penalties that aren't explained in the character sheet.


I've played Baldur's Gate and Drakensang with no real previous DnD experience and I was able to figure things out relatively quickly, but this game just surprises you with stuff and then doesn't explain it, at least not well. I'm not used to digging through forum posts just to understand how damage is calculated for my normal attacks in an RPG.


This is really something that I think needs to be addressed because it's a really big issue not to be able to understand what's actually going on in the battles.


I'm sure I've said this before but atm I HAVE to completely redo my strategy because I built my character in a way that the game doesn't really seem to support. But there was no way for me to actually know that because the character sheet was telling me that my strategy would be viable. Even though it wasn't.

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I agree that more transparency would be nice.


That said, it was pretty much a standard thing for damage and to-hit calculations to be obscure in old school RPGs of the 80's and 90's. The only major exception I can think of was the D&D line of games (and clones like Realmz), since they used the highly documented D&D system.

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Even with the opacity of the system, there aren't huge surprises to the extent that you can make the game unplayable for yourself. You can find yourself unable to understand why one thing does more damage than another, and you can make objectively less than optimal choices, but unless you've got the difficulty cranked all the way up you won't hit walls you can't get through.


—Alorael, who doesn't say this as an excuse. He just has happily played through the games before Slartanalysis without undue difficulty. He's put his points in Strength rather than Dex and his normal playthrough was fine.

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