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Can't remember how to get back to Goldcrag...


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Hi, sorry probably a really dumb question but...


My memory is really terrible.


I'm in Dhorl Stead, and Dhorla Woods. I can't remember how to get back to Goldcrag. When I go to the area map, I only see Dhorl Stead, and Dhorla Woods.


I see a Pylon in Dhorl Stead that takes me back to Avadon... but I don't want to go there. Or do I have to go through there?


Terrible, terrible memory...



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Return to Avadon, and from Avadon use the southern pylon to get to The Ava, where Goldcrag is located.


Thing of the locations shown on your map as the areas 'within travel distance'; to travel farther, you have to use the pylons to teleport greater distances - and Avadon is the hub of the pylons.


At least, this is how it seems to me. I'm only slightly ahead of you! (I just left Goldcrag for the second time, whereas you are just now heading there for the second time - I am maybe 2 hours ahead of you)

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