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Storing items in Avadon chests?


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Is it safe to store items in the chests and contains in Avadon? For example, in your bedroom you have a cabinet and a desk... can I leave items in there for the duration of the game, and will they still be there when I come to get them?


Will some script or event at Avadon later accidentally wipe out those chests, or later accidentally place items in those two in my room (either accidentally overwriting an item, or worse, failing to appear and thus leaving me stuck)?


I have alot of runestones and I don't want to keep carrying them, and I don't know where to store them. Where should I place them?

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Originally Posted By: ComServant
Is it safe to store items in the chests and contains in Avadon? For example, in your bedroom you have a cabinet and a desk... can I leave items in there for the duration of the game, and will they still be there when I come to get them?
I don't see why your stuff shouldn't be there after you drop it. There are no thieves in the game, except maybe you. wink

Originally Posted By: ComServant
Will some script or event at Avadon later accidentally wipe out those chests, or later accidentally place items in those two in my room (either accidentally overwriting an item, or worse, failing to appear and thus leaving me stuck)?
I don't know about scripts moving your items around, but the chests are basically part of the scenery, and are unlikely to disappear.

And there's a limit as to how many items an area can hold, but it's pretty high. If you do happen to reach the limit, items will disappear. However, if it's anything like previous Spiderweb games, items that are unimportant or junk will disappear first; anything of value will be retained, as will anything necessary to complete the game.

Originally Posted By: ComServant
I have alot of runestones and I don't want to keep carrying them, and I don't know where to store them. Where should I place them?
Anywhere you feel comfortable storing them, preferably in a place where you can find them when you want them. As Randomizer pointed out, your room is more or less perfect.
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Thanks for the info!


Part of the reason why I'm so over-packed with items, is I've been saving a bunch of non-runestone crystals: Lovely Crystals, Rubies, etc...

And things that might be enchantable: Gold Rings, Silver Pendants, etc...

Are either of those categories worth saving, or are the non-runestone gems only for selling?


I also have some alchemy equipment, but I'm guessing there's no alchemy in the game itself, so I should just sell that stuff, right?

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Originally Posted By: The Mystic
There are no thieves in the game, except maybe you. wink

It took me awhile to fully "get it," but I came to love the way you can steal everything in sight (including "bump-stealing" from boxes in Avernum), then store it in huge piles on the ground, and no one else will touch it. Not realistic, but definitely amusing.
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I am playing on the iPad and it is I think not safe to leave anything antwahere. All items have disappeared in my game from Zethron's lair some time ago. I thought well it's a bug and I still get some quest rewards when they are not in chests. Now all items have disappeared from Avadon as well. What I do not get is why things have disappeared from areas of Zethron's lair and Avadon which have not yet been opened until a specific quest is given. It seems like you could check for the generation of these items when the quest is given. The same with quest rewards that are in Zethron's chests.


This is all wearing on me now and is beginning to take the fun out of the game. I think I played all Jeff's games from the Exile series onward. I know that the iPad is a new platform but I have never encountered such a fun factor reducing bug in one of these games before. It is a shame and it makes me wonder if I am going to miss soe gear that will make the endgame more difficult.


For instance I do not have the Opaline scarab which should have been in a chest on the second level of the stacks in Avadon.

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You appear to have corruption in your save game file and this has happened in regular game versions back as far as Avernum 4. Once it happens the only thing to do is restart your game from a save from before you noticed this problem.


It isn't caused by using an iPad and you aren't going to be getting anymore items in containers.

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Thanks for the reply Randomizer.


Well it is apparently an iPad issue as it is written up in the support section for Avadon. I mention it here because it relates to the idea of storing things in chests. I would consider it unsafe on my iPad. I never keep save games for more than a day or two at the maximum. I work with maybe 4 saves and an autosave. (My choice.) If i leave Zethron's lair to go back to Avadon, continue to Khemeria, return to Avadon and discover the problem in Zethron's lair only after returning again then too much time has passed to find a save that works. Sure I could start the game over but I hate that when I am so far in a game.


Anyway, I am just suggesting that there might be ways that the game could fill the containers in those areas closer to the time that you actually receive the quests to enter those areas (locked or blocked areas).


At the moment I am continuing on because I don't feel disadvantaged, and the other areas are fine, but I will try to be more careful with my saves I guess.


Thanks again.

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To clarify, there are two different bugs here.


- The bug in the Avadon support section is exactly as described there: "There is a rare problem where players return to a previously visited zone and find that there are no items there... It may be that the game is being interrupted when it tries to create the save file... Future zones, when you enter them, should have items as normal."


- The bug Randomizer is talking about has afflicted most games from Avernum 4 onwards. It is also rare and it works differently: it causes all containers in zones you have not yet visited to be empty. This has been linked to use of the "backtostart" cheat although it can also occur without use of that cheat. At one point Jeff said he fixed it with an update, but the fix did not make it into subsequent games for some reason. Presumably the fix has again made it into the games. However, there continue to be users who report this problem.


The question is whether it affects only PARTICULAR zones you have ALREADY visited, or whether it affects ALL zones you have NOT ALREADY visited.

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