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Conflicted Emotions, Avadon or Tawon?


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Well I've played Avadon there will be typo or mistaken facts. There are currently two major factions, Avadon and Tawon. RedBeard is probably NOT going to show in the second game. I mean the only way i see it is that RedBeard dies of old age, or finally gets assassinated for the prologue in the next game. Or else, is us killing RedBeard really Canon? Dheless on the other hand MIGHT, and we could meet him. I think because Avadon is a trilogy, we need to have chances to start as a servant of Avadon AND a farlander and we can be obscure at the end like GeneForge (But GeneForge had five games).


Now I want to open a few questions for a discussion here. Which Faction would you stick to? Avadon or Tawon? Or would you wish to join a third party?


If you support Avadon we will insure complete peace in Lynaeus. With our power we are able to block off the Farlanders and ensure absolute power, through our powerful merciless hands, our cunning and secretive eyes, our trusted and powerful hearts, and our immortal keepers. United we are Avadon, united we keep peace of the Pact. As long as we stand, we become the very center of the Pact and bring peace across Lynaeus. However we are ruthless and murderous, Rebels will always come and conflict must be resolve time by time. It is only a matter of time when Avadon someday MUST fall.


If you support the Tawon or Dheless or whatever major faction is opposing Avadon, you will overthrow the cold hearted Avadon. Forever have they denied our problems, and let chaos and destruction run across the lands. They only care of uniting the In land nations together. But join the Tawon and we can smash Avadon to bits of pieces, and create the true power of Lynaeus, a great united country where we can bring true justice to the unworthy and unlawful. But...can we truly succeed? Avadon has near unlimited resources, they have many upper hands on us. And even if we overthrow Avadon, what is the chance another group will try to take the power before we do? We are just Rebels, there are more tyrants and dictators on the horizon.


Neither, maybe neither. Avadon is ruthless and stone-cold we can't serve them (Well SOME of us at least), and Tawon is weak so far, how will some broken "Empire" defeat Avadon? So a sub-question, who will take the power over Lynaeus? Will there be a third party? Like the Trakovites in between the Shapers and Rebels?


The Future of Lynaeus may come close, so what are your choices?

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Hm.... well, I don't see Tawon all that much different from Avadon. Both organizations have killed innocent people for their own ends. Both have shown a disregard and disrespect towards people's rights. 'Course both have done good things as well, but I suspect that the nature of such powerful organizations, like a bureaucracy, is that they will always be flawed. No matter what Avadon or Tawon does, people will always be dissatisfied.


So the player characters are stuck in between and forced to choose between them. Do I feel like a revolution occurring? As a meta-gamer, I'd do it just out of curiosity. As a character, I think most personalities would give in to Tawon's conspiracy and hate Avadon.


Now if there was an option to leave the whole fiasco entirely, I might choose that.

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Originally Posted By: AethirWeb
But wait, Spiderweb Games allow you to become undecided. Did Jeff along with the freeroam just removed that too?
Throughout Avadon there are plenty of times where you can basically say, "Hey, I'm just doing my job. Nothing personal. *stab*" We also don't know who's behind the attacks on Avadon, so saying it's Avadon versus anyone is getting ahead of ourselves.
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