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Triple Slartifer, Part 3

Mea Tulpa

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Now I feel stupid for not getting the Phantom Tollbooth reference. I loved that book as a kid.


Is 154. Trottoisie "Sidewalk class"? "trot" is another verb that means to walk, and you'd do that on a sidewalk.


Not sure if it's been guessed, but is 134. Crise de Signification paired with Struggle of the neurotic? Because neurosis is a sort of umbrella classification for psychological disorders that can't really be described ("signified") any other way...

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154 - YES. If I say the word "bourgeoisie" to you does it suddenly make more sense? Just as the bourgeoisie are associated with cities, so the trottoisie are associated with sidewalks. What professions would those be? Well...

134 - NO. Also, neurosis has not always been used in such a vague way. A classically psychoanalytic take might be more useful here.

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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S


Personally, I realized the innuendo when it was described as "11 inches long, and nice and supple". I mean, really.

146. Changer, Changer, Enchaîné must be struggle of the neurotic. Does this have to do wit some classica definition of neurosis that I'm unfamiliar with? Perhaps it's in reference to no matter how much psychoanalysis you go through, you're still chained to the disease?
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Oops, I forgot we weren't supposed to edit out posts.



146. Changer, Changer, Enchaîné must be struggle of the neurotic. Does this have to do wit some classica definition of neurosis that I'm unfamiliar with? Perhaps it's in reference to no matter how much psychoanalysis you go through, you're still chained to the disease?

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+10 Triumph

+7 Dintiradan

+11 Dantius

+5 Dikiyoba

+1 Nikki

+2 Sarachim

+1 Randomizer

+3 Jewels

+1 Nioca



+1 Nikki

+2 Rowen

+1 Jewels



45 Triumph

29 Dikiyoba

23 Dantius

21 Sarachim

16 Dintiradan

12 Randomizer

11 Jewels

04 Niemand

05 Nikki

02 Rowen

01 The Ratt

01 Skwish-E

01 Excalibur

01 Nioca


I am going to wait a bit before posting part 4. Possibly later tonight, possibly tomorrow.


Also, I am thinking that now will be a good time for the first point increase. So you can expect more points per correct answering starting next round. (Yes, Dantius, it's inflation. Don't make another chart or I will give you pitiful points and they will be negative. :p)

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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
(Yes, Dantius, it's inflation. Don't make another chart or I will give you pitiful points and they will be negative. :p)

Reminds me of a teacher I had who would guarantee everyone a 100%, plus bonus points, on every test we took. Of course, he didn't mention that they'd be negative bonus points, awarded for every question we'd got wrong, until after the first test.

And BTW, the charts weren't measuring inflation, they measured the inequality of the distribution of points- the top on or two people had way, way more points than everybody else. For instance, right now Triumph, Diki, and I have more points than everyone else combined. It's just a fun little fact for people who'd be interested in that kind of stuff.
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Originally Posted By: Triumph
Originally Posted By: Dantius
For instance, right now Triumph, Diki, and I have more points than everyone else combined.

So good of you to join me in the rich elite. Come, let us hatch plots to oppress to proletariat.

I'd rather oppress the trottoisie, if that's OK with you.
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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
118 - YES. "To straighten things up is the power card played against the infinite start." Which actually always makes me think of System's Twilight.

did you ever actually finish that game

if so did you work out the solution to the final puzzle or just stumble upon it by accident. because i'm pretty sure nobody in human history has done the former
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Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
I definitely finished it, but over a decade ago. I don't actually remember what the final puzzle was. What was it?

I hesitate to say, because Andrew Plotkin apparently asked one walkthrough writer not to spoil it, but since you asked, here we go.

Click to reveal..
You move your avatar around a randomly-generated series of maps, collecting orbs and stars that make symbols appear or disappear in a row above the map and do other weird stuff, with none of this being explained and no clear objective being presented beyond "reboot the System". There's also a time limit that eventually kicks you out of the puzzle, forcing you to start it over from the beginning.

The trick: the entire puzzle is a red herring. All you actually have to do is save and quit the game while inside the puzzle. When you reload that saved game, the ending sequence will begin.
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