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Geneforge 1 question (Canisters)

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Ok, so I've already had it spoiled for me by my brother (who is a huge fan of the series) that the canisters corrupt you and drive you insane. My question is, would it be possible to go through the entire game without using a single canister? I currently have a Guardian playthrough who I am attempting this with, relying solely on the strength of my weapons to carry me through. Is there any stopping point I might hit where I am simply screwed and can't just use rods or pods to get by?

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What you were told about canisters is true...for every game EXCEPT Geneforge 1. In G1, you are expected to use canisters, and there is NO adverse effect for doing so.


In G2 to G4, if you used more than a certain number of canisters, there would be consequences. Interestingly, by G5 there were again almost no consequences for using canisters.


Now, in G1, I believe some has played through without canisters, but there's really no reason to do to so. In G1, using or not using canisters changes nothing.

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Learned Pinner notices changes after you use a few canisters. There is a triggered script in the zone where Learned Clois lives, but IRCC it triggers just by passing through the zone, and wasn't actually dependent on how many canisters you used. Canister use has no effect on the game's endings or other encounters.


Edit: 800!


Edit: the script in the marshes where Clois lives triggers if you used more than 5 canisters. That script and the conversation option with Pinner should be only things in the game influenced by canister usage.

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