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Mouse troubles


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Okay, so, I have a logitech wireless mouse / keyboard set thing, and I've had it for a coupla years now, and it's been great. However, while the keyboard performs without fail, the mouse is being...well, stupid. It is starting to spontaneously click on me. For example, I'll single click something (for example, a checkbox) and it'll ask like I double clicked it. Makes opening files a pain. It will also randomly 'ghost-click' when dragging something, or basically anytime it can mess up what I'm doing. It's been doing this in both windows and 'nix, and it's gotten so bad to the point of me not being able to do any work. I've tried changing all the Control Panel mouse settings, but to no avail. Sadly, I can't afford a new mouse so I am hoping there is a software/driver/magic solution that someone knows of. Any ideas?

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can't afford a mouse? or do you mean a wireless mouse?

doesn't a mouse cost something like 5-10$? I would just settle on a wire(full?) mouse until I could afford a wireless one (assuming cleaning the one you have fails because a transistor fried inside and then there's really nothing you can do), you could probably find one in give-away/trading sites for free.


p.s. remember to clean with alcohol(not beer, if you can get it medical is good, if not there are specifically oriented alcohols) and not water

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If you're on a really tight budget, you can easily find a good wired/wireless mouse for $20 or less. The most I've ever spent on a mouse was $25, including any applicable sales tax(es).


At the high end of the scale, I've seen mice with prices up to $200-250; then again, they were specifically designed to use with certain games/programs (with the software title proudly emblazoned on it, which probably accounted for at least half the price).

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