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A6 - Magic is the new black.

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It seems like many different spells have become useful again. It used to be that I could Fireblast instead of Arcane Blow and deal more damage, while saving more mana. Also, summons seem to be functioning rather well. Again, we see that summons weren't particularly useful in earlier games but in this one, they seem to work again. What do you think? Though the archmages are all dead or gone, magic is back in black.





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Yeah, magic ain't bad. Area-effect spells really come into their own once you get Adrenaline Rush on your spellcasters. Summoning is particularly useful to keep away enemies that you really don't want to engage in melee.


Melee fighters are awesome too, though, and even bows still have their uses.

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I agree! When Avernum 4 came out, I must admit I was a bit scared. However, the current incarnation of the engine is very polished and I am really enjoying it. I, too, am fond of the old engine, but Avernum 6 is really quite outstanding, shiny new graphics and all. I, as well, think it has more of a chance with the next generation.


I feel like I'm finally using all the spells (and disciplines) the game has to offer. In previous games, there were always spells that went to waste on me. I never used Arcane Blow unless there was a fire immunity: Fireblast was just always better and cheaper. Others, like Summon Aid (and especially Create Illusions!) or Smite were always kind of wasted on me. Now, there's no spell I won't use. I always liked to use missiles, but now they're actually worth it (in my opinion). They weren't bad in Avernum 5, either.

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I agree with Ephesos, all this talk about dual wield omits the fact that they can only hit one target at a time, while Arcane blow can easily hit a half-dozen or more, and Retribution can hit, well, everyone. I, for one, will still run my Mage/Priest singleton, and not get pulled into the dual-wield paradigm.

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