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A6 - sucky adventurers (big pile o' spoilers)


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I'm gonna try not to rant and just ask if i can get my demonslayer fixed. but GODDAMN! what is WRONG with avernite adventurers these days? seriously, a group gets the orb of thralni, fricken flies up the river and doesn't even make it to northern avernum, and somehow manage to BREAK THE EFFING ORB OF THRALNI IN THE PROCESS!... jesus. then there's an [censored] who tries to solo a haakai and fails miserably... while wielding demonslayer.. i mean come ON man, i had to kill the fricken shadow, impaler AND manburner to be made a captain, what the HELL did YOU do to get there? play solitaire all day at the food depot?


anyway, avernum ain't what it used to be, is it? i guess that's the point of A6.. can I get demonslayer fixed or do I have to run around with a 1-3 demonbane for the rest of the game? I tried that craftsman by the tower of magi but he cant do jack, there isn't even a dialogue option for it.

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Demonslayer starts the series broken. Reassembling it is one of the largest non-critical quests in A1, and the reforging is the thing Boutell is most famous for when everyone isn't after his anvil.


—Alorael, who notes that things got a bit weird between Exile and Avernum. X doesn't actually want the anvil in A1; some priest does. X just wants you to visit Bargha's library.

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oh yeah, i remember that.


so, i just went up to erika's tower from the loyalist hideout. the golems got all of my party except for my fighter. and i just soloed the haakai. with broken demonslayer. take that, captain i can't solo a haakai with demonslayer


woot smile


(oh yeah, i didn't have to reload)


(yes, i know the tower colony's haakai was far superior, let me have my moment :p)

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