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A6 - [OT] Just a thanks!


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I wish I had started some of these games sooner.


I LOVE the freedom you have in developing the characters that so many RPGs lack (Morrowind/Oblivion was an exception.) I also LOVE the turn based aspect to the game vs real time combat and lastly I LOVE that for once I see a game out for my Mac before Windows:)


Thanks again for such an incredible piece of work.

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Originally Posted By: rickcr
I LOVE that for once I see a game out for my Mac before Windows:)

As a greedy Windows user, I am disappointed that Jeff comes out with Mac versions before Windows. I am also disappointed that I am seriously considering buying a Mac for the sole purpose of playing Jeff's games. I must resist.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
I am also disappointed that I am seriously considering buying a Mac for the sole purpose of playing Jeff's games. I must resist.

Give in! Give in! smile (Yea yea, ok I'm now a Mac fanbois. I switched over though because I love having a nix OS to do development with and a nice UI on top of it.)
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I too adore these games. A6 is by far the best of the new Avernum games (I liked A1 myself, but then that could be nostalgia on my part... nostalgia and a love of exploration and dungeons with very little point.)


Unlike the OP though, I've been playing spiderweb games since… I was nine, I think. So 1996. Wow. Got the demo of Exile 1 with the original graphics and played it on and off for years.


Anyway, yeah. If you can afford it, convert to Mac, and just use bootcamp for the windows side of things. Best of both worlds if you have the cash and the patience.

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Whereas Mac will happily partition your hard disk for you. Or use Darwine to run Windows programs without Windows. Or use a virtual machine to run Windows inside OS X. Mac is definitely on the more flexible side of multiple operating systems right now.


But now I'm guilty of starting OS wars.


—Alorael, who thinks this is as good a time as any to appreciate the longevity of Jeff's game creation. Despite his complaints in interviews and blogs that game creation has become a chore and a day job, not just a fun endeavor that pays, his best games are both some of the oldest and some of the newest. In other words, he's been churning out good stuff for about a decade and a half. That's not bad for any company, and that's really not bad for a company that is essentially one guy, sometimes literally in his basement.

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Originally Posted By: Dantius
...I am also disappointed that I am seriously considering buying a Mac for the sole purpose of playing Jeff's games. I must resist.

Why? I paid cold hard cash for Windows, so that I could install it on my Mac and play games that will never be ported to Mac OSX. It has helped me out exactly once on a non-game related issue.

In your case, Mac OSX will make your day-to-day life better. Soon, you will venture to the dark side only when you absolutely need to.

It is bliss. Come, be one of us. Resistance is futile.

- Soma, it's better than skribbane.
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Originally Posted By: Dantius
Since there has already been an OS topic derailment, I will but in to ask:

Soul of Wit
Trying out the new forum

Registered: Jul 2, 2002 11:00 AM
Posts: 45
Loc: Motown

How the ---- does a user with 45 posts get a custom title already?

Hey, I have 46, er, 47 posts...

I once read how to change the title right here in these very forums. I've now forgotten how to change it again. Or, the method has been intentionally blocked? Mystery.
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Originally Posted By: Soul of Wit

I once read how to change the title right here in these very forums. I've now forgotten how to change it again. Or, the method has been intentionally blocked? Mystery.

It's the latter. That little loophole was closed a few weeks after the new forums came in.
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Originally Posted By: Soul of Wit
Originally Posted By: Thuryl
And we've got at least two new games to go before he hits his next third-installment slump.

I stand by my assessment that E3 was Jeff's best ever.

Either that one or Nethergate is my favorite. And that new 3d engine looks cool, but it makes it really hard to find the right spot to click to interact with certain things when you or other things are in the way. Like I can't just walk into a doorway frown
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