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A6 -Endgame Variations [SPOILERS]


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So, I just finished playing Avernum 6 and managed to get a solid ending where all the parties in Avernum don't get too strong and manage to establish a lasting peace. After playing through from an earlier point and killing the various parties involved, it got me to wondering a few things:


- Is the mushroom blight actually a variable that you can affect in the endgame? Or is it destined to happen no matter what? (I delivered all four different types of mushroom samples to the castle, but no other quests I have found seem to have any relevance to it).


- Killing the various parties in the endgame can affect the ending in various ways. Are there any endgame variations that are triggered in ways other than killing the factions (Vahnatai, Bargha faction leader, Slith Scourge, Darkside Loyalist leader, Melanchion)?



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The Blight is in all the endings.


You left out Gladwell who has different text depending upon whether you aid him during the game and do his last quest. Then the ending changes if you kill Gladwell. I don't know what the ending looks like if you don't aid Gladwell.

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Originally Posted By: Randomizer
I don't know what the ending looks like if you don't aid Gladwell.

Aha! Well, I do.

Click to reveal.. (Endgame Stuff)
(This is with Bargha and the Loyalists defeated)

Essentially, Gladwell attempts to seize power a little while after the game's end, but he's easily put down. Not really all that exciting, actually.
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