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The geneforge series has ended. Now i ask you...Who's legacy do you think Would be remembered? Alwans? Litalias?

Amena? (Btw i think amena would have been great to have in Gf5 would have been kinda someone still there that lasted throught the war) Rahul? Or even power hungry rawal?:p

I vote for 3 people (Lord Rahul) (Alwan) (Amena Blade)


This would be like remembered among serviles shapers... Giant floating Turtle shaped clouds...

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I think that depends on who emerges victorious, as the winners write the history books. In particular, if the Shapers win a lot of the rebels and other deviants are likely to be excised from the history books and survive only as vague myths among the very few non-idiot serviles. If Taygen wins, even that's unlikely.


—Alorael, who suspects that Greta and Alwan, at least, will be remembered. They were the most public faces of their respective sides. Litalia, too, will probably keep a reputation, but only in an elite circle of rather educated shapers: she's an interesting case study both in betrayal and in canister abuse and addiction recovery.

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The protagonists should all be well-known except for G1's, as the game canonically ends in a slightly but critically failed cover-up. G3's protagonist is also interesting if you ask Greta and Alwan, I believe.


—Alorael, who wouldn't object to giving protagonists canonical names if they weren't the same for each game and different depending on class. Why say G3 has Andras when the protagonist might not be a shaper (by class) at all?

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