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Two n00b questions: canisters and time[G5]

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1. Canisters. Does it matter how many you use? Or is it just whether you use some or none at all. So far I've been using only the ones I thought will be useful to me, i.e. I've been skipping all battle magic ones and most mental magic ones.


2. Number of days. Does it matter how slowly you go through the game? I'm a noob so I end up going back and forth between regions a lot to hear and replenish essence...

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I think Guardian Makar in Kratoa-Kel is the only Shaper that seems to comment that you've been using canisters. You get a message that you are feeling this huge urge to fight the Dera guards at Dera Bridge if you have any creations with you, but this can be avoided if you have enough Leadership. On my Pure Loyalist run I didn't get that message.


I'm a little sad that Jeff took out those encounters. It made G4 so profoundly different when it comes to shaping yourself that the other Geneforges did. And I miss squashing all those who challenge my authority and power.


The Last Archon

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