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Northern Isles - on AIM!

Ash Lael

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I've been thinking of hosting a NI game over AIM this weekend. Two main reasons. First, the fast pace would make for a very exciting, fun game. Secondly, I think that with all the work Stareye has put in on this game, it's about time someone else hosted one and gave him a chance to actually play this beast. smile


The game would last up to 3 and a half hours (or less, if it takes as few turns as these have been taking), with half an hour per turn. All action timers would be reset at the start of each new "day" to ease keeping track. Rules would be almost exactly the same otherwise. Sixteen players might be ambitious, but I'm willing to give it a go.


I'm posting to see if people are up for this. If there's interest I'll set a precise time and start taking registrations.

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Cool. While I have to go to work soon, the first thought is to simplify it. The issue right now is the large number of variables associated with running this game. The most time consuming part for me is the record keeping. Anything you can do to cut back would be a good thing. I have a few ideas to help:


* Game is based on rounds, not the quasi-continuous. One action per round.

* Use only the simpler roles.

* No faction joining.

* No items.


I'll think about this some more and offer suggestions.

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You'll have to work hard to find a time that works for 16 people. As Ephesos discovered, schedules and time zones are not always aligned well; also, some people may sign up and then not be able to come, or may come late, despite their best intentions to show up on time.


Anyway, I think 16 may be overly ambitious. In the heyday of SW chats we rarely got more than 15 or 16, but that was drawing from a much larger crowd of potential chatters, probably 40+ users, and they didn't have to commit 3+ hours to the chats.

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