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Mod request for geneforge 1-3


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I played and finished geneforge 4. It was a great game.


Then i sat down and decided to go through 1 to 3. Turns out that str influences what you can carry in those series.


Long story short, can someone please make a mod for geneforge 1-3 which changes carry limit/str to only influence equipped items?


I couldn't bring myself to continue playing geneforge 1-3 because having to drop items repeatedly in every combat is just... incredibly tedious.


Thanks in advance!


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You can't do that with scripts. You'd have to change the code for the game, and since it's closed source and not at all engine mod friendly, the chances of this happening are basically nil.


What you can do is add an arbitrary amount of strength to your character so you can carry whatever you want. That's easy with scripts, and the homemade editors for all the games probably can do it already. You'll get a side effect of massively boosted melee damage, but that's what you get for wanting to change the engine.


—Alorael, who has to admit that going back to the old weight limitations is hard. It does actually make more sense, though. If anything, it would make sense for carried gear to count for more. Your armor is at least balanced to distribute the load somewhat. A backpack is awkwardly carried dead weight.

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Originally Posted By: sean_lo
I played and finished geneforge 4. It was a great game.

Then i sat down and decided to go through 1 to 3. Turns out that str influences what you can carry in those series.

Long story short, can someone please make a mod for geneforge 1-3 which changes carry limit/str to only influence equipped items?

I couldn't bring myself to continue playing geneforge 1-3 because having to drop items repeatedly in every combat is just... incredibly tedious.

Thanks in advance!

Hey Sean,
Despite the objections raised about the possibility of creating this mod, I decided I didn't really mind it being impossible, so I did it anyway.

I'm just weird that way :\

Anyway, if you want I can give you a mod which will take care of encumbrance in Geneforge 1-3.

The only problem is that even equipped items will fail to contribute to encumbrance, which might not be fun (though it's convenient in combat - lol).

Let me know if you're interested.

Basically Nil,
Jedi Nescioquis
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Which is apparently what Nescioquis did. It's slightly more elegant and not all a whole of work with find/replace. As a bonus, it means lifecrafters will never have any strength whatsoever.


—Alorael, who considers it a return to the lovely days of E2, in which it was perfectly reasonable to purchase thousands of arrows for each character.

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Originally Posted By: Leather Strop
Which is apparently what Nescioquis did. It's slightly more elegant and not all a whole of work with find/replace. As a bonus, it means lifecrafters will never have any strength whatsoever.

Setting 'em to zero would be one way to do it, but I actually just modded the game code and made a patcher. (A lot quicker, and less ugly.)

Failing to shape a servile to mod for me,
Jedi Nescioquis
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Ok, in case anyone is interested, here is the mod for Geneforge 1-3 (Windows).

It works with the most recent Geneforge versions as of now.

Click here to Download


Mod description:

This is a mod for Windows copies of Geneforge which will remove the annoying encumbrance problem during combat when you are carrying too much stuff.


To use, place the program into the same folder as the .exe of the game you wish to patch.

Then, run the program and select the game you want to patch (the one the program is in the

folder for) from the menu.


Geneforge 2.exe is by default in "C:\Program Files\Geneforge 2", so to patch Geneforge 2,

that is where you should put the program.


If you want to remove the mod, just delete Geneforge.exe (or Geneforge 2.exe, etc.), and rename geneforge_backup.exe (It will be called something slightly different) to Geneforge.exe (Or, again, Geneforge 2.exe, or whatever your game is.)

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I just updated the mod to version 1.1 since I found a couple minor bugs, and during patching you had to click 'OK' on about 5 dialog boxes.

That is now fixed in addition to a few other small bugs.


Also, just wondering ... which strategy central should I add it to?

Is there any way to get it added to the Geneforge Resources page, since it fits best into that category?


Remembering to sign my post,

Jedi Nescioquis

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Hmmm ... did you download verion 1.1?

(The same link I have above, just updated the file.)


If you do have the latest version, did it say 'Could not find byte pattern to replace', or 'Could not load file'?

Or, does it finish patching but just not un-encumber you?

Also, what version of the game are you using?


Sorry for inconvenience and all the probing questions frown


Watching my Fyoras flee in terror while I'm killed by Thahds,

Jedi Nescioquis

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  • You are using version 1.1 of the mod
  • You are using Geneforge 2 version 1.0.2
  • You put the modding program into c:\program files\Geneforge 2 (Or wherever your Geneforge 2 game is installed)
  • You have started the mod, and clicked on the Geneforge 2 button
  • It said 'Patching succesfully completed'
  • You ran the file Geneforge 2.exe

And it's still not working?

If you haven't done all of the steps above or something is described differently than how you did it, please tell me so I can fix the problem.

On my comp I have tested it for Geneforge 2 and 3, and it works fine.


Displeased at my newly shaped Thahd's attempts to mod,

Jedi Nescioquis

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Ok, try this:

Run the mod again in the Geneforge 2 directory, press the Geneforge 2 button and wait until it says the patching is successfully completed.


If it says 'Could not find byte pattern to replace', or gives you some other error, do not bother with the next step.


After it says the patching was successful, click ok, and click on the Geneforge 2 button again.


Then wait while it patches...


At this point I need to know whether it says 'Patching successfully completed', or 'Could not find byte pattern to replace'.


Also, are you using a CD version of geneforge 2 and 3, or are you using a registered demo?


Thinking of more questions to plague you with,

Jedi Nescioquis

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