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New Drakon model.[G5]

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I was wondering why would Jeff transform the Drakon graphics?


I mean the previous Drakon looked like a tall and strong looking Dragon standing on 2 legs. But in G5... the Drakon is wingless and look just like a Slith (from the Avernum series) with a wierd (non dragon-looking) head.


Is there a way to take the G4-G3 graphic pack and modify the G5 files in order to get the cool graphics back?



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Originally Posted By: DrakonWorshiper

I was wondering why would Jeff transform the Drakon graphics?

I surmise it was because he wanted a new look.

Originally Posted By: DrakonWorshiper

Is there a way to take the G4-G3 graphic pack and modify the G5 files in order to get the cool graphics back?

Yes there is.
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Has anyone put together a location list for the charms, or thought about doing so?

Erm, I've included 'em in the walkthrough, but I'm not guaranteeing they're all there. Let me know if you find one missing?

I've not yet typed in the challenge areas -- sammon drops the omnicharm. Otherwise, they should be there?

edit: oh, bizarre mis-post, but I'm not mod, so no deletion. Bah!
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1. Get a resource editor.

2. Backup the drakon images.


I downloaded ResKnife (for mac), wich is a Resource Editor... but im not allowed to modify/view any other files than the .rsrc ones, so im not able to to even see the Drakon images (I assume that the Drakon graphic from G4 would be in the "Genefore 4 Graphics" Unix executable file)-> i can't save them...

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I like the new version. The old one looked too soft to represent the hardened fighters that their race had become. I do wish Jeff had kept the wings, though. Those were kind of an important plot device in the earlier games, it was strange for him to remove them, or, at least, be okay with whoever the artist was removing them.

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I got it, i am able to use the Copy/Paste graphic from G4 to G5... but as you said the square are not the same size. ( I see the G4 Drakon but he is dephased, out of the box, and act weirdly.


this is due to the fact that, for instance, the G4 Drakon have a 10 Square Melee attack animation and the G5 Drakon use 12...


Is there a way to set the game so the drakon animation uses AxB (A, B= lets say G4 Drakon Box size) instead of CxD( C, D= G5 Drakon Box size)


These are the mesures i can see in the G1850 (first) Drakon image pack, if it can help anyone to solve this.


G4= 80 wide by 97 tall scaled to 175

G5= ht=90 73x93

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