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So, I have recently remembered how much I like Spiderweb Software games but until now I have been a poor student unable to afford them and had to make do with the demos. I am eagerly anticipating the Window's version of Avernum 4 and am thinking about actually buying the full game....BUT I have only ever played the demos of the previous 3 games and Blades of Avernum also.


My question is:


How important / worthwhile do you guys think it is to start at the beginning and understand what has led up to Avernum 4? Bearing in mind that it could take a while to play through 5 games.


Also, this isn't strictly related to Avernum 4, but are there any other games that are a must for playing? I have the full version of Geneforge 2 but I don't remember enjoying it as much as the Exile or Avernum series, but again I only played the demo versions.


I must just about be the furtherest (if thats a word) away Spiderweb Software fan as I live in New Zealand. For those of you that don't know where that is its Lord of the Rings, King Kong and Narnia country.

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You'll find there are quite a few players from Australia and New Zealand here.


Anyway, in answer to your question, Avernum 4's manual includes a summary of most of what you need to know about the Avernum, so if you like A4's gameplay best then you won't miss too much plot by playing that first. On the other hand, some people prefer other Avernum games over A4, so decide which demo you like best before buying one.


Blades of Avernum doesn't really relate to the broader plot of the Avernum series: the real attraction of it is the ability to make your own scenarios and play ones that others have made. Mind you, that's a big attraction, and BoA is well and truly worth getting for that alone. In fact, Blades of Exile has even more scenarios available (over 300), so that's also worth looking at.

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This question has gotten complicated now. It used to be easier.


Honestly, if you play A4 for plot, you may be disappointed even if you play A1-3 first. A1-3 also run on a very different engine, so if you play them completely through, you may find A4 jolting. This would suggest that playing A4 by itself is better.


But then, I think that A1-3 are better games than A4. Take that as you will.


If you've played the demos of all of them and have decided that you want A4, you'll be okay playing it by itself, I suspect.


Spiderweb games that are a must for playing? Blades of Exile and Blades of Avernum are the two big ones, as Thuryl mentioned. BoE has eight years\' worth of scenarios, and BoA has a modest not quite two years' worth.


EDIT: Thuryl and I are much in agreement, I think. :p

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Yeah, a few Aus and NZ fans here smile


My biased opinion would be to play thru 1,2,3,4 as the first three are great games and I can imagine the 4th will be good as well (having not played it yet). Obviously they are created so you can play them by themselves, but its well worth playing them all simply because they are so good, well worth the cashola and time smile

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It sounds like you may have played some of the Exile games? If that's the case, you'll be up to date on the story as the story is almost exactly the same in each of the original trilogy games.


Avernum 4 tends to hit you over the head repeatedly with summaries of what happened in the older games, so you won't be confused. What you will miss out on are all the details of the world of Avernum. Avernum 4 tends to skim over many of these things. If you like intricately developed fantasy worlds à la Lord of the Rings, you might prefer to play Avernum 1 and 2 first -- the Sliths will seem less barbaric, the names of the powerful wizards you keep hearing about will mean a lot more to you, each city will have its own character, and (perhaps most significantly) the Vahnatai will seem like a real people and less like weird cartoonish supervillains.

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Thank you for all the helpful replies already!!


I have played the demos of the other Avernum games but I think I will replay them to familiarise myself with them as it was some time ago. I seem to remember struggling with the game when the Vahnatai were introduced into the game but I can't remember whether it was because I didn't enjoy that gameplay or whether I couldn't figure it out.


Also, I had a sneak peak at Avernum 4 on a Mac at work. Am I missing something obvious or is there no longer, or never was a "Camp" button to regenerate your health and mana overnight?


I will also replay the Exile series Demos as I vaguely remember really enjoying those demos when I played them years ago and if I enjoy them as much as I remember the full game I would imagine, only add to that.


The thing is, I'm an avid World of Warcraft fan and gamer so the question is now.....When am I going to have time to fit all of this in??


Thanks again for those helpful posts.

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