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Parry Skill


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There's three ways to get Parry:


1) Have the traits Elite Warrior or Divinely Touched.

2) Boost your Dexterity and Defense skills to the point it becomes available as a trainable skill.

3) Go to the wishing well in the Great Cave and throw enough money in. It will grant each of your party members 1 additional level of parry.

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Divinely Touched doesn't grant Parry. Only Elite Warrior does.


There are also some items that give a Parry bonus.


Parry is unquestionably a great skill, but how does its (greatly reduced) blocking rate against missiles make it broken? Admittedly you also get a little damage reduction, but the block rate against melee attacks is so much better.

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Originally written by Ephesos:
I believe it's 6 Dexterity and 6 Defense, which does not include bonuses from equipment.
Prerequisites for special skills don't include any bonuses. That includes bonuses from race, traits, and some non-standard skill purchases (the wishing well, a couple of Endurance sellers, and maybe a few more). The bottom line is that you have to put the points in the prerequisites yourself if you want a special skill.

—Alorael, who doesn't think Parry is broken at all. It's very powerful, certainly, but not broken. It's also so ineffective against magic and ranged attacks that those really don't contribute meaningfully to its usefulness.
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Note that Parry's damage reduction *does* apply to ranged and area attacks. (All magic attacks go in one of those categories (or melee) -- "magic" is not an attack type.) The damage reduction against magic (i.e., against energy, fire, ice, etc.) is again much lower than against physical attacks, but you can get a reduction of around 15% or 20% without too much trouble. That's useful.

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By Randomizer:

Fight the Vahnatai Lord in the end and you will see how nasty parry becomes. Area attacks work great against him because of the ridiculous high parry ability.
My party didn't fight the Vahnatai Lord. They just made some popcorn and watched the two sides fight.


Good Vahnatai: Swing!

Bad Vahnatai: Parry!

Bad Vahnatai: Swing!

Good Vahnatai: Parry!

Good Vahnatai: Swing!

Bad Vahnatai: Parry!

Bad Vahnatai: Swing!

Good Vahnatai: Parry!

Good Vahnatai: Swing!

Bad Vahnatai: Ouch!

Adventurers: Ooohhh!



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- Homer


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- Homer Simpson

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