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Lord Sylak

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Posts posted by Lord Sylak

  1. I'm trying to install Nethergate Resurrection off of the CD-ROM on Mac OS Lion, and i get the error "This installer requires admin privileges to run"


    Even launching it from the terminal using sudo, it proceeds to give the same error


    Is there a way to get this to install from the CD?

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Rising Cycle Five:
    Forcecage just puts a fight on hold. There are very few circumstances in which it's useful. Most of them involve a very pesky ranged attacker or spellcaster you can't quite get to until you hack through the meat shields. How often does that come up?
    A/E3 comes to mind when you can't kill the Dragon babies, lest angering the dragon and not getting your cool two-handed special-effect sword (i forget which one it was)
  3. Ok, if nobody's going to say it,



    Or did is it just removed?


    Originally written by Excalibur:

    Nethergate is for the most part, dead. Nethergate Resurrection sounds cool, but it will probably be a flop.

    You realize that up until the Geneforge Series (not the first Geneforge game mind you) that Nethergate was the #1 selling Spidweb game, right?
  4. I wouldn't be suprised if Jeff did unite Geneforge and Exile/Avernum, a little pissed, but not suprised.


    As to A4: correct me if somebody else has beatenthe game already, but i don't think in the end it will be the Vanthai who are the enemy, but somethign is controling the vantahi or is something else. And, I think the game is what the Geneforge engleine should have been: turn based 3D, not partial real-time, partial turnbased. Also, stop ragging on teh game because you don't like it. A4 will attract a new audience, thoose who want the ridculous 3D graphics and a bad plot.


    as to Dikiyoba's Theory: Slith couldn't have been creationof the Vantahi, because they camefrom a diffrent world entirley, and were banished there, making them the only real aliens in the game. If you ever got to the one place, Old something in A/E or E2/A2, i forgot which one, then you'll get it.


    Jeff should write a companion book to the games and sell it, just to confirm waht's canon and what's not.

  5. Quote:
    Originally written by VCH:
    Is it worth buying? I can't really get over the small screen-area.
    then do as it says, and switch your resolution to 800x600 :p

    but yes, this is a great game to buy, i myself was drawn to SPidweb by this game. I beleive this game brought alot of the older newer people here, but A3 and Geneforge brought thenewest wave of newbies here. I think Nethergate has the BEST story, and would be very popular if remade like Exile, but with a little extra thigns there, like another isde quest and SOMETHING to do with the puzzle box, or its elemination all together. :p
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