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Everything posted by moomina

  1. Oh good, thank you! Yep I ran. Reminded me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail... "run away, run away!"
  2. Finally figured out and succeeded at the Miranda Battle at the Corruption's Core, that was tricky. I can't explore any unexplored areas on the map, because I keep seeing the message "the caldera to the north disgorges a towering lavabeast..." and they keep churning out until I'm overwhelmed. Eventually I just ran away, getting to the edge of the map in fight mode so I could even leave the area alive. My question... Is there something else I'm supposed to have done before leaving the Corrupted Core area after the Miranda Battle, or is it ok that I just got the heck out? There were a couple of unexplored corners of the map, but I can't get to them what with the lavabeasts, and uneven ground,etc. Thanks.
  3. I want to revisit Lawcarver Ain to see if there any more side quests, since this is still in the Quest List in my Journal. I can't remember where Lawcarver Ain is located... help appreciated, thanks
  4. I noticed the achievement, may I ask, what is the benefit to having that?
  5. Is there any point paying Melanetha in Trozen 3000 for the small house she's selling? I tried buying it, all the cupboards and chests are empty, no cellars or attics with hidden goodies. Am I missing something?
  6. Just a thought... you might find a "Wordpress" site easier than HTML since the code for stuff like pop-ups will be all kinda "pre-done". Wordpress is a CMS -- Content Management System -- for websites. Wordpress is like putting a coat on top of your website and putting all the content in the pockets I guess. You could find a free or low cost WordPress site template that most closely resembles the structure and appearance of your Maps site, then just plug in the content. There is a learning curve with WordPress but it's so much easier to deal with than HTML once you get over the hump, in my opinion (because I'm not a coder).
  7. Good to know, and thanks for correcting my title spoiler whoopsie :-)
  8. [Possible Spoiler Alert] I just confronted Xenophon about Khalida's memory, and let him live. I'm such a peace-lovin' hippy. But... Khalida hates me for it. I've come to quite like her, so I reloaded and let her lop off Xenophon's head. However his head came off so easily I feel like a murderer. I know this isn't a plot changer, but I'm curious what happens now? Will Troezenites refuse to give me quests or speak to me, or is there difference whether I killed Xenophon or not? (I've never done a post with a possible spoiler in it before, please let me know if I should have hidden anything, or if this actually isn't a spoiler at all)
  9. I'm playing on a fourth generation iPad, the latest unless you count mini as 5th
  10. Is it possible to turn off the text which obscures the Scarab abilities in the bottom row when playing on iPad? Changing game text size, or turning on/off text console don't seem to affect this issue. Here's a screenshot (from Avadon 2 but this seemed the right place to ask the question) Thanks.
  11. I just finished exploring and fighting my way around Monitor Base D for the first time, where I encountered Miranda, wind blew us from area to area fighting, etc, and then she disappeared (for now I assume). There is a room far NE on the map, with Freezing Mines, Inferno Turrets, and a couple of big mean Incubus (Incubi?). I'm killed pretty quickly every time I poke my head in there, it's way ahead of the level I'm at. Is this an area I come back to later in the game? Thanks.
  12. That was fast, you guys never sleep! I thought it would be at least the morning. Thanks. This adventurer is too hasty sometimes.
  13. I can't get past the runed door, north end of the cellar under Moritz Kri's tower. I figure I may have missed picking up a key somewhere. I went back up the Spiral Tower several times looking. I only have one lock pick so can't get inside the locked door on the 2nd floor, is what I need in there? Thank you.
  14. Thank you. I had already gone up and talked to Carsta'Arl, but missed the part in the dialogue where he tells me where to look. That's what happens when you play too many hours in a row.
  15. I'm in Oghrym'Tor (do I get a badge for spelling that right, apostrophe and everything?) Moritz Kri was banished to his quarters, killed all his mages, and went down below. I went down there, dialogue popped up where he was talking at me, and then he disappeared. I haven't a clue where he went or what I should do next. Maybe I missed something in the dialogue...
  16. Found him, thank you. Playing on ipad, so no shift key just press/hold on characters, and I didn't think to look in the back room.
  17. I can't find Huntsman Gable anywhere in the East end of Beraza Woods to go tell him I did his little chore. I've looked in every one of the 3 buildings, can't find the bugger. Any help appreciated. (I'm assuming he's in a house since the quest note says he "lives" in the East side of Beraza Woods... if he's wandering about outside, I can't seem to find him there either...) Thanks :-)
  18. Never mind, I found it. Weird though, only one Wisdom Crystal for sale, and once I purchased it, there are no more, even if I wander about a bit and come back later.
  19. I can't find the "Slith village" you describe, please can you give the specific name on the map? I'm right near the end, and all my characters are close to level 35. Trying to get them up to 35 before the endgame. Wandering about having fights outside is boring. As is waiting for herbs to regrow. I don't know who/ what else to kill or do for more XP other than go to this "slith village" and buy wisdom crystals with my remaining cash...but I can't find it. Thanks!
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