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Everything posted by moomina

  1. I am looking for Khoth's Lair, it doesn't appear to be on the map. I know I came across it once, but I can't remember where it is. Any help appreciated, thanks.
  2. I am embarrassingly far into Escape from the Pit, and don't know how to use the Pylons. I'm guessing I missed something very early on.
  3. Thanks! I just tried it without help and I got pretty much annihilated anyway.
  4. Thanks... it's kinda more fun with them along... but I want all the XP possible
  5. If I take on the Titans without the help of Monitor Pelin and his gang, will I get more XP... or do I get the same XP whether I take 'em on solo or with help? Thanks!
  6. I've done Eye Leira's other quests - I asked if she had anything else for me and she said no. I have not yet turned in the quest to deal with Moritz Kri... perhaps that's the problem. EDIT: Ah... got the quest... but not until after I had been all the way down to the bottom of Avadon Dungeon, talked to Redbeard, and reported back to Hand Callan. And then told Leira I knew about her past bad behavior. She doesn't mentioned a ruined door... just gives me something to aid in the quest returning to Moritz Kri's tower.
  7. I'm stuck in the same place. Cleared out Moritz and company, but can't get past the runed door in the cellar. Went back to Avadon and talked to Eye Leira, but she does not offer me the quest to open the door. Have I missed a step somewhere?
  8. Figured it out since I posted! Thanks :-) I just was just thinking perhaps I had missed picking something up earlier in the game.
  9. I'm in Moritz' Kri's tower, first level. I know from looking at maps/walkthru's that I should have a "spectral key" to open various doors. Clearly I don't have it, as I can't open doors... did I miss this somewhere? Thanks.
  10. I'm in the Beast's Woods. I killed the Shadow Beast under the NE corner, and headed back over to the NW corner. But both the trapdoors that go back over to the south of the Beast's Woods will not open. "Something is holding it locked from below"... I guess I'm exiting another way?
  11. Awesome... that's what I needed to know... thanks for the quick reply!
  12. Hi, sorry probably a really dumb question but... My memory is really terrible. I'm in Dhorl Stead, and Dhorla Woods. I can't remember how to get back to Goldcrag. When I go to the area map, I only see Dhorl Stead, and Dhorla Woods. I see a Pylon in Dhorl Stead that takes me back to Avadon... but I don't want to go there. Or do I have to go through there? Terrible, terrible memory... Thanks!
  13. Unfortunately the tips on that thread do not work for Avadon, the saved games are hidden elsewhere, in a place at this time still unknown
  14. I just tried it again... deleted all Avadon Games, downloaded fresh game from App Store, launched the game, saved a game, and quit. Looked inside "containers" folder... nope... nothing there. So where are the saved games hiding I wonder?
  15. Hi, I found this thread while looking for answers to my tech support problem (link to my thread/post below) Ociporus, I downloaded Desktop Utility, but when I double-click to install, nothing happens. Please can you advise where the menubar is, that the little menu will appear on the right side of? Thanks... UPDATE: I found the "gear"... sorry, dumb question!
  16. I am having trouble getting technical support with my issue. So far one response in 5 days, not great. Spiderweb used to respond within 24 hours. I've been playing the games since they began aeons ago... and am a little disgruntled to get poor support when I'm paying for a game. Off soapbox, ahem, thank you... So if anyone is watching and can help, I'd be extremely grateful. This is a step-by-step of what has happened... 1) Downloaded Avadon Demo from Spiderweb site, played it all... 2) Discovered Avadon cheaper on App Store, paid and DL from there, started game, and found saved games have disappeared. 3) Got one tech support reply... now know that that saved games are saved in different places depending on whether game was purchased App Store, or from Spiderweb. 4) Followed tech support advice to trash all saved games, and DL game again from App Store. However, when I try to find the folder where the saved games should be moved to... it's not there. I can see other stuff inside the "containers" folder... so it's not that it's invisible. It's just that the Spiderweb Software folder ain't in there. Here is the path I'm using... any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong? Thanks so much! ~/Library/Containers/com.spiderwebsoftware.Avadon/Data/Library/Application Support/Spiderweb Software
  17. I am having the same problem. Customer support is virtually nonexistent, even for folks like me who have been playing Spiderweb games since they began... I am having to post here for help also, which sucks rather.
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