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Everything posted by DisgruntledFish

  1. I'm not sure what happened, but Guardians became just plain beast.
  2. It was a nice series, and although a sixth Geneforge would be great, it may be for the best to only have five(besides, Jeff is busting his butt with remaking his older games at the moment).
  3. I already went the help several times, and unless you know the command, I honesty don't appreciate you're help. Sorry.
  4. Since it's more modern, it was easier to play, with many important features.Dot dot dot.
  5. Sully, if you're wondering, the cheats are ihateserviles and iloveserviles to join the obeyers or the awakened/takers. clearallsects gets rid of any connection (besides non-factional quests) between you and all of the tribes.
  6. I've found Geneforge 5 to be made easier with the quick-save, but I don't know where it is on the others. I assume there is one, considering that it shows up on the save menu, but I don't know what button to press. If someone could help me, that would be great. P.S. I would like to know this for all of the series, but specifically the first.
  7. I'm going with Turtle, play as a Shaper or beef up a Guardian (preferable with mostly missile, as melee doesn't get that good until Jeff removed the need for 5 action points)Make sure to make plenty of creations and don't get rid of them until you are absolutely sure you can replace it with something better. Try using many save files to make sure you didn't waste some living tools, money, or essence on something.
  8. The same way, like they do on MMO's. But it'd be cool to see some grouping with friends like in Geneforge 3.
  9. In case you were wondering, you will have to assassinate her in a quest when you join the rebel extremists with Ghaldring
  10. I'm not sure, since I've only played through this ounce, but maybe you should go with your idea of doing an order of them or else you try somewhere else in the spire.
  11. Well I just finished this game (FINALLY), and I've got to say, It's been great. Of course I not going to play this game again, that is, until I can get some software and a faster computer to record and upload a playthrough to Youtube. Honestly I'm extremely satisfied with my outcome and I can't wait to buy the other games for my laptop. No one has to reply to this, it's just that I had the need to proclaim my success.
  12. I'm fine, but what was wrong with the sentence(besides capitalization, but it's a forum for Pete's sake)?
  13. Yeah, sorry. So what are you going to do next?
  14. What do mean are you talk of. I perfect of grammar.
  15. Okay? not sure why your still going on about this...
  16. Dral: First off I'm not an idiot. Second it was too hard trying to understand its many sounds to what is was saying. Third I like my creations intelligent, except for drakons. I don't give them any more intelligence than needed for them to realize that they do not live without my essence and the killing of myself would result in there death.
  17. As for my new signature, this is not a joke, I am dead-serious on this matter.
  18. I didn't, friend did. Said he knew her from some other forum. And I read the dang code when i registered.
  19. I shall drop lifeforce gauntlets when i die.
  20. I'm DragoWaffle and I approve my signature!
  21. I'm okay with that role, but can i get a decent conversation input about the rebellion to your character? Also I wear a Shaper's robe but with a drakon symbol instead of the shaper insignia. My eyes are bright green, but i have brown hair. I also have a small beard(the ones that are connected to one's mustache). I carry around a kyshaak and a smaller, less intelligent, drakon.
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