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Posts posted by Bushwhacker2k

  1. Okay, I almost beat this game before and now I'm starting anew and I came across a question I'd had before but now I realize I may have never found a satisfactory answer.


    Does summoning(shaping) more creatures at one time cause you to gain less experience points per kill/quest/whatever?


    Having more creatures seems to be better than having buffed up creatures (unless I'm epically mistaken) but if it means I'll be overall weaker in the long run then I think I'll stick to having 3 or so creatures at max.

  2. Originally Posted By: gingerbill
    to be honest i don't think you can blame steam , it has requirements listed and mac is not listed.

    Not blaming Steam, saying if we buy a product without noticing the tiny marker that tells us that our computer is completely unable to run a product it'd be nice if they gave us more leeway for mistakes.
  3. Spread your guys out so the basilisks can't stun all of them with one move. Some scarabs and abilities allow you to break mental ailments. To resist it otherwise requires specific passive abilities, the intelligence attribute and some equipment.

  4. Okay, I thought there might be a way to get back there. I assume it has something to do with the two inaccessible areas in the Wretch underground area in the same place.


    One was blocked by rocks and the other probably had a switch that opened it, but it was entirely visible from the water area (never found a switch though).

  5. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    Originally Posted By: Bushwhacker2k
    Also is there any way to get past that first gate in the cave she initially flees to?


    That's actually kind of fascinating, because I remember seeing something I wanted to loot behind it. As annoying as this may initially seem, I think it's more interesting because it implies there are things in the game beyond what you control, which gives it more life, which many games lack these days.
  6. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    Avadon 2 needs to begin with excitement and change à la Geneforge 4, because a repeat of "go to areas because Bob says so, see evidence of traitors and of unsavoury police tactics" will not be good.

    I have not yet actually played Geneforge 4, but I do agree games need to have at least some level of constant change. Games get boring when the events become routine, this is becoming more and more evident to me as I play more games and wonder why I'm not enjoying something anymore.
  7. Originally Posted By: devilkingx
    play G1-5 to understand my problems with avadon... once you've played those for a while you'll understand

    Been playing GF1 and a bit of GF2, it's quite awesome thus far. It got a bit monotonous near the end of GF1 because there wasn't really anything left to do except win, since I couldn't really level further without a glitch I found and my monsters were strong enough that they mostly just plowed through everything. I'm hoping it changes a bit as I go through the games, and I did notice GF2 changed the skill system in that increasing levels of skill cost increasing amounts of skill points, thus forcing you to be more well-rounded (thumbs up!).

    Originally Posted By: devilkingx
    i thank you for taking my criticism into account instead of complaining about me posting it here, or making a one sentence "your entire criticism is false" or outright trolling(the first guy)

    NP, I try not to get offended even when people disagree with me, because I see how easy it is to get off-focus or just start arguing about something irrelevant when we could actually use it constructively. smile

    Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    Not everyone likes Geneforge more than Avadon. I, for one, liked Geneforge but prefer Avadon to Geneforge.

    Orly? What did you like about Avadon more than GF?
  8. Originally Posted By: ToddMcF2002
    Did this happen to anyone else? The story is keeping me playing but the gameplay at this point has become a bit monotonous. Especially the mines...

    I'm so sad! I agree.

    I got to lvl 20 as well then I found a glitch that allowed me to level further (I could probably reach about level 30 with said glitch, but it'd be kind of tedious and there really isn't a reason to, since nearly all enemies fall like flies to me).

    It's pretty saddening though, this started out amazingly well and now that I know everything and my character can just make monsters that tear everything to shreds (I did have to put in some effort at the front gates to the Main Lab (or w/e) though :D, but it mostly consisted of me attacking guys away from the turrets then they throw themselves into my crowd of beasts. I did appreciate the Augmented Shaolai though, their attacks HURT.

    One thing I really really wanted to do, which proved to be impossible, was have minions with less than 2 intelligence so I don't need to tell them what to do when all I want them to do is blast anything that comes in range. The reason it didn't really work out is because if anything is SLIGHTLY out of range when combat initiates all mindless creations come running back to me, so I can't have them wait at strategic positions to jump into action at the appropriate time.

    I figure it would have made sense for creations with 1 intelligence, I suppose, being above mindless but below total control; that way I don't have to micro-manage but I can give simple commands.

    But yeah, it really has gotten kind of monotonous, I just plow through everything that comes my way... I remember the most fun part was in the first school where you fought that named Thahd. All my minions were mindless and I had to be really careful because if moved too deep my creations would get overwhelmed and I could potentially die, IT WAS FUN BECAUSE IT WAS RISKY!!!!

    I REALLY liked the idea of creating minions and just having them scout or having them guard the entrance to a room as I searched through the inside, but without my direct control, because otherwise it's just me doing everything the whole time...

    I guess my complaint is that I got powerful a bit too fast, the magic creations (IMO) seemed the best by quite a margin as fire cost more and battle didn't have any range or special abilities.

    The environment also got kind of samey farther on, I didn't really have to give any thought to what I was doing after I got strong enough so I just plowed through most stuff.

    I did find the power plant and frozen place interesting because you had to play it safe and it would be difficult to manage a full party so you really had to focus on efficiency... though even then I had to turn on combat mode the whole time because it was simply too frequently dangerous otherwise.

    On hindsight, maybe I just need to play on a higher difficulty, I think what I've said still counts to some extent though.
  9. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    Originally Posted By: ubrgeek
    I feel like an idiot. I didn't notice the Windows-only fact until after I purchased the games and got the error message that it wasn't playable on my system. Would have loved Steam to have made it obvious (and/or have a better return policy :()

    Steam really won't return your money if you accidentally purchased a game for the wrong OS? Geez.

    Hope I'm not getting off-topic but it does seem like it'd nicer of them to provide some kind of warning if the computer you're on can't run the game for really obvious reasons.
  10. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    This is the first Spiderweb game that has saves compatible with both Windows and Mac computers.

    Orly? Kudos to Spiderware, not many companies can claim that I imagine.
  11. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    She appears later in the Jhereth Deeps unless you kill her.

    Woah, what? It's possible to kill her before she magically ghosts past your guys? Are we talking about only initiating the meeting when you're level 30 or are we talking cheats?

    Also is there any way to get past that first gate in the cave she initially flees to?
  12. Originally Posted By: devilkingx
    why is it that all the hands but you are either dead or twiddling their thumbs until your beckoned call for a mission? why cant your 4 allies take you out on missions? why do you always have to go? why is it that convieniantly all other hands are either busy, dead or incompetent?

    You might have missed out in your rage against Avadon (not judging, just saying) but it's actually explained later on that
    Click to reveal..
    Miranda only paired you up with the rebellious hands and didn't let them actually command anything because she was trying to turn you against Avadon (or at least Redbeard) in a convoluted plot, i.e. she's a traitor!! >:o

    Originally Posted By: devilkingx
    whats with that leader guy of khemeria? why is he not the least bit concerned that his most trusted wizzard was really an evil psycho mastermind that almost got him and the rest of khemeria screwed by avadon?

    I guess you missed this too, but
    Click to reveal..
    The king was in on the whole thing, it was really his fault

    Originally Posted By: devilkingx
    if ima have to go risk my ass because nathalie is retarded and wants to get herself killed by a big scary dragon then i should atleast be able to bang romance her


    Originally Posted By: devilkingx
    SKILLS, every last one of them sucks, the CD's are a million and 1 turns long without that cheat code

    I kind of agree, some skills were more useful than others but I think they didn't want to risk making anything too powerful and the focus was more on teamwork anyway. Not excusing meh skills, just explaining why I figure it happened.

    Originally Posted By: devilkingx

    I also feel like Scarabs were kinda like tiny bonuses, I liked the teleport one (though I never ended up using it) and I was kinda interested in the earthquake and summon ones from Redbeard but I never ended up using those either... (meaning I tried them but they weren't that necessary). On the other hand, the scarab that lets me self-heal for free once every 4 turns was GREAT, in addition to simply giving an additional free heal it lets me heal Nathalie when she is in danger because she lacks a normal self-heal.

    Originally Posted By: devilkingx

    I felt like it was pretty good about it overall but it certainly doesn't even hold a flame to Geneforge's exploration possibilities.

    Originally Posted By: devilkingx
    you cant go anywhere unless someone explicitly tells you somewhere, because your character apparantly isnt intelligent enough to explore places and go somewhere himself, it really killed exploration for me, because i didnt feel like going back(TEDIOUSLY! as mentioned above)

    Well you can't travel to new lands without permission from your boss(es) and you couldn't really wander aimlessly in said lands because there is a lot of implied empty space. (I believe so, anyway)

    Originally Posted By: devilkingx
    you've gotta clear out the woods with 4 soldiers and the kings right hand dude, they bicker like 5 year olds

    Lol, I agree, I wanted to kill them all right there... every land is so self-absorbed they practically need the Tawon Empire to come in and kill them all just so people will stop pointlessly feuding.

    Originally Posted By: devilkingx
    whats with the lack of living tools lockpicks

    Lockpicks were actually VERY limited, I think I ended up not unlocking some places because I didn't want to take the time to visit every merchant in the game and pick up the picks they have. I assume this was actually done so you have to give what you unlock some thought, but on the other hand you wouldn't really know what's behind/in something until after you open it so I dunno...


    Okay, I agree with some of what you say and understand some other stuff but I probably wouldn't call Avadon crap. It's the first Spiderweb game I really played (I think I played like 5 minutes of Avernum demo like 7 years ago) and overall I thought it was pretty good. Do I have complaints? Yes, but I still think it was done well overall.

    I do think the perspective of someone with a lot of experience with Spiderware's (semi)older games explaining why he thinks Avadon was poorly done in comparison is something worth reading and I haven't read any posts past this (so far) but I hope we're all taking what is said into account without just getting offended.
  13. If you've completed the portion of the Kva where the enemy consists mainly of Titans then you've been through the area. It's in the citadel (or whatever, the fortress they were building). More specifically unless I'm mistaken it's near the south-east portion of the map.

  14. Originally Posted By: Skwish-E
    None of my characters has ever been named Ruth, so all of my parties are ruthless.

    Nice one laugh

    Originally Posted By: Skwish-E
    It makes up for the fact that I'm such a nice guy in real life.

    I'll take your word for it ;O
  15. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    Originally Posted By: Bushwhacker2k
    Sounds good, I was unaware they were remaking Avernum (which, if my info is correct, makes it a remake of a remake, no?).

    That's right. Avernum has been Spiderweb's flagship series and its best moneymaker, and the older Avernum games are already getting to the point where they have difficulty running on newer computers, so Jeff's decided that it's come to a point where a re-remake makes sense.

    I see shocked

    Well if it gets released on Steam as well then I'm going to start really building a collection. Getting Geneforge Pentalogy atm laugh
  16. I can't say for sure I got all of that, but I usually go through only making decisions I'd want to in the situation (even if it costs me things or prevents quest completions) and then my 2nd or 3rd playthrough I just power-game through, doing everything I can regardless of emotional consequence.

  17. Sounds good, I was unaware they were remaking Avernum (which, if my info is correct, makes it a remake of a remake, no?).


    Geneforge sounds interesting because of the idea of making creatures and I know next to nothing about Nethergate.


    I'll dl Geneforge's & Nethergate's demos and I might wait for the Avernum remake (technically exile remake?).

  18. Originally Posted By: This * is a veiled reference.
    No, I'm saying it's a legacy feature that was implemented in older games. Weight having an effect was deprecated, but the display of weight remains. I very much doubt that Jeff will go back to the old encumbrance system, since as far as I know the new one has been received with universal joy and relief.

    —Alorael, who actually knows that old-school fans grumble about the encumbrance change. You can't please everyone with any change, ever. But most people like it, and Jeff isn't looking back.

    I realize that's what you were saying, and I was saying it was not implemented as a feature that has any real effect in Avadon.

    It was probably made to simplify things, I can see why the change was made though I also recognize that making things easier isn't necessarily viewed as a good thing by the older fans (and anyone who has played less simplistic games).
  19. Originally Posted By: This * is a veiled reference.
    You only get the achievement by finishing the quests with the decisions that goes against your party members' wishes, not be refusing to complete the quests.

    —Alorael, who has no idea how the main menu tracks statistics. He paid no attention and can't help there. If you fought Redbeard and they joined you, you pleased them.

    Okay, that's the answer I was looking for for the achievement, thanks.

    In reply to the 2nd portion of the comment, I guess they must have really wanted to me to kill Redbeard (along with 99% of everyone I met in the entire game, this guy must be a genius at antagonizing people)
  20. Originally Posted By: daemonblade1229
    I really wish there was. So far, I've managed to not bully or oppress anyone, much less some downtrodden old man. So much for my how I was RPing my character...

    I concur, I think it's part of a theme RPGs are taking these days; that is: forcing you to make hard choices.

    I respect the idea of having us make hard choices because it's an interesting story mechanic and adds to the depth of the game, but a good portion of the time I don't like it because we never get to explain ourselves and people often jump to the easiest conclusion which generally isn't the case and oftentimes I can come up with a much better solution but they simply never give me the choice.

    There are two hidden paths leading to Cahil, but I'm pretty sure neither of them are functional until after you coerce the old man :*(
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