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Cairo Jim

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Posts posted by Cairo Jim

  1. Originally Posted By: Dintiradan
    Huh. I can't be the only person here who is single and is unperturbed by that fact. I suppose you could argue that I don't know what I'm missing, but still...

    (Great, now the perturbed singles are gonna feel that I'm gloating over them too.)

    As for the OP: this year's valentine goes to Bain, JMP, and Tyran. You're all awesome. Dear reader: maybe you can be awesome too?

    No, you're not the only one. I'm in the same boat. In fact I like this boat.
  2. Originally Posted By: Excalibur
    I think it'd be pretty cool to alter space-time with my mind. I'm not sure what to call that though...relativistic psychokinesis?

    That sounds rather fancy. It sounds even fancier since I have no idea what this means.

    As for me I'd have to settle for a Dragon Ball sort of thing. I used to love that show.
  3. Originally Posted By: Harehunter
    Click to reveal.. (<<<Bad Rabbit>>>)
    Did you hear about the gigolo who became a poet?
    His career went from bed to verse.

    Cairo Jim; You know I can't resist a straight-line.

    Is it just me, or is every time I read this, my head says it in a scottish accent. I am somewhat amused.
  4. Sorry about the double post, but I read this way after I posted.


    Originally Posted By: VCH
    Yeah, you're right Jim, we need a working definition for intelligence...

    On the one hand, every species is a professional at whatever they do to survive...


    You've said it quite well there. I can't agree with you more. As I mentioned before, an orangutan figuring out how to use a saw within a few quick minutes, which to say the least, is a fair bit better than what a lot of people would do. If at all, every animal in existence has it's intelligence very much so relevant to it's living conditions. If anything, we humans have made ourselves a lot more less intelligent.


    Originally Posted By: VCH
    What truly makes humans unique on this planet is the fact that we can change our niche so readily. That is, we can change how and where we live without evolving. No other live form can do this so readily.


    I do agree to this, but only partially. We as a species have actually been able to manipulate our environment and mostly everything in it. But I do think it's gotten to a point where it's starting to backwards slightly. Within the last 30 odd years, we've seen the rise of things like tv, computers, the internet and the like. While all these things can be useful to spread information and the like, it's also been used to spread a whole heap of misinformation and absolute nonsense.

  5. Originally Posted By: Actaeon

    (Another question that occurs to me is whether Earth is really as ideal for life if we think it is... might there be planets that would not have produced so many mass extinctions?)

    On the contrary, the last mass extintion, although as the name suggests, wiped a lot of critters out, mostly the dinosaurs, it also helped other lifeforms to flourish. For instance, while the dinosaurs were around, they were the "dominant species". While there were mammals around, there were very few and very small, mostly rodent like things.

    Originally Posted By: Necris Omega

    Actual, intelligent life? ... That's such a tall order I'm not sure we'll be able to ever find it if it does indeed exist.

    Define intelligence. I've watched doco's where people have studied a few different ape species. One thing that stuck in my mind was when they left a saw with and orangutan. It actually picked up it, "studied" it for a few quick minutes and then sawed a log open to get to its food source. Not only do I find this amazing, I do see it to being a bit more intelligent tahn Sheldon Cooper.
  6. Originally Posted By: Randomizer

    Some theories have the basic organic building blocks formed extra terrestially. Most assume that the right elemental clay materials would allow organic molecules to form together. Still no has made it all the way from chemicals to cells.

    Those mineral calys just sitting there by themselves and I don't think much will happen. But if add something a bit energetic, say like the radiation that would come from the Sun. Earth's atmosphere wasn't as thick, and of slightly different constituentcy than it is today, it would of let more radiation in, and may of cause a few wee little reactions here and there. Sort of a bit like photosynthesis.
  7. Originally Posted By: Jerakeen

    This is not just a problem in the west. Invaders like the emerald ash borer and the asian long-horned beetle are devastating forests in Ontario. And there doesn't seem to be any effective way to fight them.

    We have a similar problem here in Australia, but moreso relating to the Cane Toad thats mostly ravaging northern and eastern Australia. A lot of people, until recently have supported eradicting it off our shores, because it is an introduced species thats harming our eco-system. But for some reason, some local eco groups have recently done a backflip on the subject and have decided that it is unjust to kill this harmful pest on our shores.

    So make sure that whatever eco-idiot hippies don't hinder the progress of getting rid of eco unfriendly pests, just like our idiot government has done.
  8. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    I refuse to argue. Later.


    actually the mayan calendar didn't predict anything at all, that was just a thing that some new-agers made up because they figured that since their calendar system ended on that date it meant the world had to end too. it would be exactly the same as if someone said that the world had to end on December 31st because that's the end of the year.



    Well since you brought this up, I agree with you on basic principle. Just because my Top Gear calendar ends on December 31st this year, it doesn't mean there isn't a calendar already made for next year.


    Originally Posted By: Trenton-bok
    But what about the conspiracy, of science, and orbits, and Planet X?


    Planet X would signify that we have a hidden 10th planet. As far as modern Astronomy goes, we have only 8 planets in our solar system, with many "minor" planets and minor bodies extending past Neptune, plus the all elusive Oort cloud.

  9. "Armageddon" was just a movie, if I remember rightly, starred Bruce Willis. If you want, ask old Brucey what he thinks will happen, and I'm pretty sure it wqould be something comepletly different from the movie he starred in.

  10. Thuryl, I do honestly beg to differ. I am ready to be proven wrong, but I do , although self proven, do believe based on looked up (on SW mostly, and somewhat self tested) that Dexterity makes to hit and avoid being hit.


    If you want to settle this, just try raising your Dex up as much as you can. Being as low as it as you've displayed, I think you'll only be able to hit lower level critters until the Dex is raised to about 8 or 9 before you can get the occaisonal decent hit in.

  11. No, apparently the universe will kill itself. Acording to some people's "theories," we are just helping the planet we live on die quicker than it's spsoe to.

  12. Originally Posted By: Lilith
    Originally Posted By: Cairo Jim
    My understanding is that, you should have a choice and the freedom to vote. As far as I see it, Australia takes it to the extreme where it's you don't have the freedom to choose if you vote, you are a criminal and you have no freedom if you do not vote.

    Actually, the only thing you're required to do is show up at a voting booth and get your name struck off the list. You're perfectly free to submit a blank ballot card if you don't want your vote to be counted.

    You have to be enrolled first. In which I am not. Which means, apparently I "know nothing".
  13. Trenton, you do not understand. It's us older generation that's trying to prolong the Earth in such a fashion that when your great grand children have the awesome technology, to not only rape the Earth of all its resources, but to take the whole Solar system for all its worth, and then blow it up in fantastic magnifisence.

  14. My understanding is that, you should have a choice and the freedom to vote. As far as I see it, Australia takes it to the extreme where it's you don't have the freedom to choose if you vote, you are a criminal and you have no freedom if you do not vote.

  15. I noticed your Dexterity is quite low. While Strength does help in giving damage and helps to add to your weapon skills, Dexterity is quite well needed, as it gives a bonus to hit, and to avoid being hit.


    End of story, add more points to dexterity. If you start over again, make sure to balance your skill points between Strength, Dexterity, and whatever weapon bas that character is using.

  16. Originally Posted By: Actaeon
    Trees as far away as Australia and Africa are feeling the heat.

    I don't about that. We've had the coolest summer in Australia, at least in Queensland for a while. We've also had quite a lot of rain this time of year, for the last few years, which may have something to do with it.
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